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泰姬陵:永恒的爱情丰碑 The Taj Mahal in India: a Monumental Love Story(2)

and integrate20) with the main structure. The central dome, called the Taj, is 58 feet in diameter and 213 feet high. The marble walls inside the dome are covered with intricate21) mosaic22) patterns and precious stones. Within the dome lies the jewel-inlaid23) tomb of the queen. The only asymmetrical24) object in the Taj Mahal is the casket25) of the emperor. After stealing the throne, Shah Jehan's son imprisoned him for 8 years. When Shah Jehan died, he was buried in the Taj beside his beloved Mumtaz.

泰姬陵内部  Four domed chambers surround the Taj. The main archways26) are chiseled27) with passages from The Holy Quran28). The mausoleum29) is part of a vast complex with a main gateway, garden, mosque30), guesthouse and several other palatial31) buildings. A large garden is divided at the center by four reflecting pools. Like the Taj, the garden elements follow the Arabesque concept, standing on their own and constituting the whole.

  One of the most intriguing32) aspects of the Taj Mahal is the magical quality of its changing colours. The Yamuna River behind the Taj reflects light onto the white marble. Depending on the hour of the day or the season, the colours of the Taj are different. The best time to view its stunning beauty is at dawn or sunset.

  The origin of the name Taj Mahal has never been clearly documented. Court histories from Shah Jehan's reign refer to it as the rauza (tomb) of Mumtaz Mahal. It's generally believed that Taj Mahal, usually translated "Crown of the Palace", is an abbreviated version of the name Mumtaz Mahal, which means "Exalted33) One of the Palace".

  Taj—Fruit of Love or Result of Vanity?   泰姬陵——爱之所致,还是虚荣之果?

  There are many contemporary (and some might say, unromantic) historians who contend that the Taj Mahal is a mausoleum far too great to commemorate34) the memory of one woman, even if she was the favourite wife of an emperor. These historians believe that the Taj Mahal symbolizes the tyranny of a powerful ruler exploiting his subjects and flaunting35) his magnificence36) to the world.

  Whether the Taj Mahal symbolizes eternal love, an emperor's power or a little of both, Shah Jehan deserves credit for turning the death of his wife into a symbol of lasting beauty. He bequeathed37) India and the world its most beautiful mausoleum. As English poet, Sir Edwin Arnold wrote, the Taj Mahal is "not a piece of architecture, as other buildings are, but the proud passions of an emperor's love wrought38) in living stones."

  1. monumental [7mCnju5mentEl] adj. 纪念碑(或塔、门、像)的;纪念性的
  2. Agra [5a:grE] n. 阿格拉[印度北部城市] (或译亚格拉;泰吉·马哈尔陵即泰姬陵所在地)
  3. pilgrimage [5pIl^rImIdV] n. 旅行,漫游
  4. dome [dEum] n. 【建】圆屋顶;穹顶
  5. synonymous [sI5nCnImEs] adj. 同义词性质的;同义的(with)
  6. shroud [Fraud] n. 覆盖;遮蔽;隐藏;把……伪装起来
  7. the Mughal Dynasty: 莫卧儿王朝,1526~1858年统治南亚次大陆绝大部分地区的伊斯兰教封建王朝,是巴布尔建立的印度朝代。
  8. reign [reIn] vi. 为王;(君主)当国家元首,统治
  9. medieval [7medI5i:vEl] adj. 中世纪的,中古(时代)的
  10. flourish [5flQrIF] vi. (作家等)处于旺盛时期,处于活跃时期;盛行
  11. ascend [E5send] vt. 攀登;登上
  12. love match: (非为财富、社会地位等而结合的)爱情婚姻,爱情结合
  13. by all accounts: 根据各种流行的说法
  14. lurk [l\:k] vi. 暗藏,潜在
  15. endear [In5dIE(r)] vt. 使受喜爱,使受钟爱;使被爱慕
  16. subject [5sQbdVIkt] n. 臣服者,臣民;国民
  17. rupee [5ru:pi:] n. 卢比(印度货币单位)
  18. interlock [7IntE5lCk] n. 使连锁;使连结;使相互扣住
  19. arabesque [7ArE5besk] n. 阿拉伯式花饰(由花果、蔓藤、几何图形等组成的精细图案,用作地毯花纹、壁画装饰等)
  20. integrate [5IntI^reIt] vi. 成为一体,结合在一起,合并(with, into)
  21. intricate [5IntrIkEt] adj. 错综复杂的,盘根错节的;复杂精细的
  22. mosaic [mEU5zeIIk] adj. 马赛克的;镶嵌的,拼花的
  23. inlaid [5InleId] adj. 镶嵌的;嵌饰的,嵌花样的
  24. asymmetrical    [7eI5metrIkEl] adj. 不对称的,不匀称的
  25. casket [5kB:skIt] n. (尤指昂贵而有华丽装饰的)棺材
  26. archway [5B:tFweI] n. 【建】拱门;牌楼
  27. chiseled [5tFIzEld] adj. 凿成的,雕成的,刻成的
  28. The Holy Quran: (伊斯兰教)《古兰经》(一译《可兰经》)
  29. mausoleum [7mR:sE5lIEm] n. 陵墓
  30. mosque [mCsk] n. 清真寺
  31. palatial [pE5leIFEl] adj. 宫殿(似)的;宏伟的,壮丽的
  32. intriguing [In5tri:^IN] adj. 引起好奇心(或兴趣)的;有迷惑力的
  33. exalted [I^5zC:ltId] adj. (地位等)高的,崇高的
  34. commemorate    [kE5memEreIt] vt. 纪念
  35. flaunt [flC:nt] vt. 夸耀,夸示
  36. magnificence    [mA^5nIfIsEns] n. 壮丽,宏伟;壮观;辉煌
  37. bequeath [bI5kwi:T] vt. 传下,留下
  38. wrought [rC:t] <古> work的过去式和过去分词

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