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The Love Story of 1)Ariadne and 2)Dionysus 酒神传说



阿里阿德涅和非凡的酒神和狂欢之神狄奥尼索斯  The Greek myth of Ariadne offers hope to all who have felt the sting of love rejected. It tells of triumph after defeat, of sweetest success after the harshest sorrow.

  Princess Ariadne, daughter of King 3)Minos of 4)Crete, helped 5)Theseus 6)slay her monstrous half-brother, known as the 7)Minotaur, by teaching him to use a golden thread as a path within the 8)labyrinth where the Minotaur lived. Deep within that dark maze where no man or woman had ever survived the Minotaur’s 9)savagery, Theseus killed the monster, then followed the gold thread to freedom. When he emerged triumphant from the labyrinth, Theseus claimed Ariadne for his own. They escaped from Crete upon a waiting ship, running from crowds of citizens angered by Theseus’s murder of their half-bull/half-human prince.

  As they sailed the world, Ariadne was certain she had won the heart of the hero in return for her brilliance, her loyalty, and her love. After all, she had betrayed those closest to her to save Theseus. When Theseus finally brought their ship to the faraway island of 10)Naxos, Ariadne thought they would live there forever in bliss. Instead, he abandoned her upon the island, sailing off without an apology. Such was her thanks for saving him.

  Alone, Ariadne forgot her triumph as the untangler of the labyrinth. She was Ariadne the 11)forsaken, Ariadne the foolish, rather than Ariadne the beloved of Theseus. At first, the heartbroken princess wept. Then she thought of killing herself out of shame and sorrow. But the 12)Muses took pity upon Ariadne. They hovered around the poor girl as soft as winds, and whispered into her ear of a worthier love and a 13)loftier fate. This made no sense to the girl, for she could not see beyond her abandonment by Theseus.

  But soon Ariadne saw a bronze chariot appear on the horizon. The Muses whispered it held a new bridegroom for Ariadne, the man she was fated to love. As the chariot drew closer, Ariadne saw it was 14)draped in vines and 15)clusters of ripe grapes—for this chariot was driven by Dionysus, god of 16)divine 17)intoxication, who loved Ariadne for her passionate bravery and loyalty.

  Ariadne’s heart was immediately healed by Dionysus’s admiration and loving embrace. She soon forgot about Theseus and accepted her happy fate. Dionysus and Ariadne were wed. Made a goddess by love, Ariadne lived forever with her immortal husband in 18)ecstatic triumph.

葡萄酒  Stage One 初级篇:认识葡萄酒
  Definition of wine 什么是葡萄酒
  Wine is fermented grape juice.  葡萄酒是经过发酵的葡萄汁。
  Types of Wine 葡萄酒的种类
  Color: Red, White, Rose 按颜色分:红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒、玫瑰红葡萄酒
  Saccharinity: Dry, Semi-dry, Semi-sweet, Sweet 按含糖量分:干型、半干型、半甜型、甜型
  Carbon dioxide: Sparking wine, Still wine 按二氧化碳压力分:汽泡葡萄酒、静止葡萄酒
  Service sequence: Aperitif, Table wine, Dessert wine, Digestive 按用餐顺序分:餐前酒、餐酒、甜酒、餐后消化酒
  Note: 1、所谓的干型就是指不甜的。因此就有了干红、干白、甜白葡萄酒的说法。
  Grape Varieties 葡萄的品种
  There are about 8,000 grape varieties known in the world, and about 1000 used for wine. Grape variety is a major factor in the taste of a wine.
  Main Red Grape Varieties 主要的红葡萄品种

  Cabernet Sauvignon: classic Bordeaux Grape; Full-bodied; very complex; Blackcurrant
  Merlot: traditional Bordeaux grape; supple and round; Black and red cheery; Chocolate
  Pinot Noir: King of Burgundy; Spice notes; Cherry; Silk texture; Earty compexities
  Shiraz/Syrah: France and Australia; Black and red berry; Rich and full-bodied
  Main White Grape Varieties 主要的白葡萄品种

  Chardonnay: Most fashionable; Creamy and full-bodied; White fruits and nutty flavor
  Sauvignon Blanc: Crisp acidity; Fresh and aromatic, Citrus and Grassy
  Riesling: Germany; versatile; Floral and mineral flavor
  Pinot Grigio: Northern Italy; Fresh and Aromatic; Light color
