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日本的文化符号 Cultural Icons of Japan


  With economic, cultural and religious influences from neighboring Asian states, Japan has produced a unique culture of its own. Now let’s enjoy the charm of Japanese culture and look at some of its popular icons.
  Sakura 樱花
Sakura 樱花  In Japanese, the cherry is called “Sakura”, which is generally believed to be a corruption1) of the word “Sakuya” (blooming) from the name of Princess Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime. This long name means “tree-flowers-blooming princess”, for the cherry was so well-known in those early days in Japan that the flower meant nothing but cherry. The princess was so named because, it is said, she fell from heaven upon a cherry tree.
  The cherry blossom is the flower of flowers to the Japanese people. It symbolizes their national character. This is because the life of a samurai2) of feudal times was proverbially3) compared to the short-lived cherry blossoms that last “no more than three days”, for a samurai was always ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his master. Another saying is that “what the cherry is among flowers is the samurai among men”.
  The Japanese are very proud of their Sakura. Of all flowers, the cherry blossoms appeal most to the aesthetic taste of the Japanese people. The Japanese people are never so jubilant4), cheerful, optimistic and youthful as they are at the time of “Sakura” blossom.
  在日本,樱花叫做“Sakura”,一般认为它是“Sakuya”(开花)的变体,该词取自女神Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime的名字。这个冗长的名字意为 “满树繁花女神”。在古代日本,人人皆知樱花之名,以至于人们提到“花”时,就单指樱花而别无其他了。据说,这位女神是由天国降落于樱花树上的,于是因此而得名。
Sakura 樱花 富士山  In mountainous Japan, most of the mountains are part of mountain ranges. Mt. Fuji, however, soars into the sky alone. Located almost in the center of the country, this well-proportioned cone-shaped mountain has been worshiped by the Japanese people since ancient times, and is a well-known symbol of Japan in other countries. The highest peak in Japan (3,776 meters), Mt. Fuji is a relatively young volcano. The mountain is said to have reached its present shape about 5,000 years ago, but even since then, it has repeatedly erupted, and the last gigantic eruption occurred in 1707. For almost 300 years since then, Mt. Fuji has been quiet and retained its rarely noble figure, but some experts say that it will surely awake again.
  Mt. Fuji has different views, changing with the seasons and even as the time flows during a day. In winter, it is covered with pure white snow. In summer, its bluish torso5) wears a delicate crown of snow and stands in the mist. And at sunset, the bright red figure is awesome6). Views from different viewpoints give different impressions. From Suruga Bay7) on the south, you can take a close look at the soaring mountain on board an excursion8) boat. Around the Fuji Five Lakes9) area, there are many points from which you can see the whole of Mt. Fuji towering over a beautiful lake. Even from central Tokyo, the summit of Mt. Fuji can be seen on a clear day.

Sumo相扑  The word Geisha is derived from “Gei”, which in Japanese means performance or entertainer, and “sha”, which means “person”, and dates back 400 years ago to the Edo period10). During this period the Geisha entertained at banquets and social gatherings by playing Shamisen11), singing, and giving dance performances.
  There is often a misconception by some that Geisha are prostitutes12), but nothing could be further from the truth. Geisha are refined and cultured girls and women who are highly trained in a variety of traditional skills. Besides playing Shamisen, singing, and dancing, the Geisha perform the Japanese tea ceremony, and are well versed13) in the art of conversation. Many learn to speak English in order to entertain Western guests.
  The training involved in becoming a Geisha is very rigorous14), and because of this the numbers of Geisha are declining. To become a Geisha, if accepted, a young girl must go through an apprenticeship15) that involves living with a head Geisha. This training period takes five to six years. During this period of time, the Geisha trainee must help with the chores and the running of the house, learn customs and social skills, and take music and dance lessons. After about six months, the trainee Geisha is called a maiko16) girl, and accompanies a Geisha on her appointments in order to become acquainted with customers. At about age 20, the maiko must make the decision to become a full-fledged17) Geisha or not. If a girl wishes to marry she cannot become a Geisha.
  Today in Japanese hotels and restaurants Geisha still entertain at banquets and socialize with guests, and the role of the Geisha in Japanese society is always a source of curiosity for tourists.
  Maneki Neko 招财猫
Maneki Neko 招财猫  Sumo is a Japanese style of wrestling and Japan’s national sport. It originated in ancient times as a performance to entertain the Shinto18) gods. Many rituals with religious background are still followed today.
  The basic rules of sumo are simple: the wrestler who first touches the ground with anything besides the soles of his feet, or who leaves the ring before his opponent, loses. Fights take place on an elevated19) ring, called a “dohyo”, which is made of clay and covered in a layer of sand. The fights themselves usually last only a few seconds, or in rare cases, about a minute.
  However, sumo is more than just a sport like football or basketball. There are many rituals and even religious elements involved in the content of the two wrestlers. Many of these rituals are connected to Shinto. A professional sumo wrestler, or rikishi, has many different rules and regulations to follow. These rules were created by the Sumo Association and regulate everything from meals to clothing to where they can live.
  One interesting note is that, unlike wrestling and some other competitive sports, there are no weight classes in sumo. This means that a wrestler can end up competing against someone double his size in some cases.
  1. corruption [kE5rQpFEn] n. (词语的)讹用;不标准;不纯;有讹误的东西
  2. samurai [5sAmjJraI] n. (封建时代的)日本武士
  3. proverbially [prE5vE:bIElI] adv. 如谚语所说地,众所周知地
  4. jubilant [5dVu:bIlEnt] adj. 欢腾的,欢欣的,喜气洋洋的
  5. torso [5tC:sEu] n. (人体的)躯干
  6. awesome [5C:sEm] adj. 令人惊叹的
  7. Suruga Bay:骏河湾(太平洋的一个小湾,位于日本本州岛东南,东京西南)
  8. excursion [Ik5skE:FEn] n. 远足,游览
  9. Fuji Five Lakes:富士五湖,是位于富士山靠山梨县一侧山麓的五个湖泊的总称。这五个湖泊是由于富士山火山喷发而形成的堰塞湖,包括河口湖、山中湖、西湖、本栖湖和精进湖。
  10. Edo period:日本江户时代(1603~1867),德川幕府统治日本的年代,是日本封建统治的最后一个时代。
  11. Shamisen:(日本的)三弦琴
  12. prostitute [5prCstItju:t] n. 妓女,娼妓
  13. versed [vE:st] adj. 精通的
  14. rigorous [5rI^ErEs] adj. 严格的,严厉的
  15. apprenticeship [E5prentIsFIp] n. 学徒的身份,学徒的年限
  16. maiko [5maIkEu] n. [日] (经过培训的)舞伎
  17. fledged [fledVd] adj. 成熟的;独立的
  18. Shinto [5FIntEu] n. 日本的神道教,1945年前为日本国教。
  19. elevated [5elIveItId] adj. 提高的
  20. congenial [kEn5dVi:njEl] adj. 好交际的,和蔼的
  21. incarnation [7InkB:5neIFEn] n. (象征某种品质、概念或思想等的)化身
