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Used Pacemakers Help Poor Heart Patients 心脏起搏器的“第二次生命”


Used Pacemakers Help Poor Heart Patients  A pacemaker is a small device that doctors place in people with an abnormal heartbeat. If a heart beats too slowly the pacemaker will use electrical signals to help set a normal rate. Some devices include a defibrillator[(电击)除颤器] which gives a shock if the heart beats too fast. Pacemakers may be permanent or temporary, but one thing is sure: developing countries need more of them as more people get heart disease. A big problem, however, is the cost. Buying and implanting a pacemaker costs from 5,000 to 15,000 dollars.
  But doctors at the University of Michigan think they know a way to lower that cost. The idea is to reuse pacemakers. Heart doctor Timir Baman estimates that more than one million people worldwide need pacemakers each year. He says reusing a pacemaker is an ethical[合乎道德的] way to provide health care to those who have no other way to get one.
  Baman: A country such as Bangladesh or India, they average less than eight new implants per million, and the United States we average 752 new implants per million.
  He got the idea a few years ago. One of his patients asked if someone might be given her pacemaker for reuse after she died. But are used pacemakers safe? Doctor Baman studied medical reports about the safety of pacemakers that were being reused in small studies. 
   Funeral directors normally remove pacemakers when preparing bodies for cremation[火葬]. Pacemakers can explode if they are burned. So Doctor Baman asked funeral directors in Michigan to send the pacemakers to him. He and other researchers at the University of Michigan Medical Center tested the used pacemakers. They cleaned and disinfected[给……消毒] the ones in good working order. Then they sent them to doctors in the
  Philippines, Vietnam, and Ghana. The doctors successfully implanted the used pacemakers in 12 patients.
  Baman: If we show that this is safe, other academic centers in the United States, as well as in Europe, can then form their own pacemaker reutilization programs and really help out countries in Africa, really help out countries in Asia, who really have no other access[通道] to this type of devices.
  The findings were recently presented at a conference in Washington of the American Heart Association. Now Timir Baman has asked the United States Food and Drug Administration for approval to do a larger test. He says that he is hopeful the program will work.
Used Pacemakers Help Poor Heart Patients  起搏器是医生在心率不正常的人身上安置的一个小装置。如果心脏跳动过慢,起搏器就会通过电子信号帮助心脏重拾正常频率。另外一些设备包含除颤器,它会在心脏跳动过快时进行电击。起搏器既有永久使用型,也有短时安装型,但是有一点可以确定:发展中国家有越来越多人患上心脏病,起搏器的需求量越来越大。然而,费用问题相当棘手。购买和植入一个起搏器需要5000至15000美元。
