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“时尚教母”帕特丽夏·菲尔德 Legendary Fashion Icon Patricia Field


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  Fashion Career 时尚人生
Patricia Field   A native of New York, Patricia Field studied languages and political science at university, but found herself more attracted to the city’s trendy clubs and fashion scene.
  After a brief 1)stint 2)apprenticing at department stores, Field opened her own 3)boutique in Greenwich Village at the age of 24.
  Loud but chic, her early designs had wide appeal, and her reputation for “fashion forward” made her popular among celebrities and 4)fashionistas.
  In the 1980s, she began costume designing for television and film, and has won two Emmy awards.
  More recently, she shot to superstardom for her work on the trend-setting series Sex and the City.
  Interviewer: So I see you’ve had a long and 5)illustrious career. I think in 1952 you did costume designer assistant on Guiding Light episode, you opened your first boutique in 1966 in Greenwich Village, you won an Emmy, you’ve been Oscar nominated, you’ve been credited with the 6)leggings craze in 1970’s…and yet, here’s a 7)movie that at its core, in a way, is sort of saying that this desire for fashion is almost a disease in some people, that it’s actually, you know, a negative thing. I don’t know if that’s something you’ve recognized, and that for some people it’s just too much of an obsession.
  Field: Oh, I don’t know. I think in our society we have a tendency to, you know, make everything a bit too serious than it really is, and for me fashioning—getting dressed—it’s expressing yourself, making yourself feel good, you look pretty, you wanta stay in shape, you know, it’s a way of having fun and expressing who you are. And I think the only time it becomes so called “ugly” is, you know, when women or men, really don’t think about it that much and just sort of run and put something on ’cause they saw it in a magazine or they saw somebody else wearing it, and then there’s really no interest or 8)originality involved in it, and so no matter what you pay for it, you’re really not gonna look special in it.
  Interviewer: I guess, in a way, that the last 10 years has been an incredible kind of run of success with Sex and the City and Ugly Betty and Devil Wears Prada, and that…when you met Sarah Jessica Parker on the…in 1995 for the Miami Rhapsody movie, did you kinda sense it then that this was a whole new world that was opening up or was it just a…
  Field: Yeah, when I met Sarah Jessica to do Miami Rhapsody, the thing was, like, I liked working with her. She knew…she had her opinions, which I liked, you know. I prefer that to somebody with absolutely no opinion, but I think neither of us really had a thought of Sex and the City at that point and what it became. It just, I look at Sex and the City, it’s like a good hand at poker. You know, all the cards are good, so you win. But I think the timing had a lot to do with it because I think people wanted to have fun and get escape and watch something a little bit unrealistic. It was the timing, very much so, because the decade before you would have never had a success in this type of movie.
  Fashion Philosophy 穿衣哲学
  My fashion philosophy is basically the same as my general philosophy, and that is to understand that this is your life and you can only enjoy it because, otherwise, you’re wasting your time.
  Of course I’m not gonna wear some crazy shape that nobody’s seen before. It’s within the spectrum of our clothes. But how you put it together and what story you want to tell is, for me, the way you achieve your individual style. It’s a story-telling of who you are and what you’re doing that day. A good way to get the idea is [to] remove yourself from yourself and put yourself on a stage. That stage can be the office that day. Then you just go get dressed. Once you have the idea, it’s just “connect the dots.” Your 9)accessories will really help you in this narration of the mood, of the look.
  It’s a hot summer day in the city and we’re goin’ to the beach. I call it a dress. Of course, underneath it we have on our beachwear. In this case it’s a 10)bandeau underneath. Beach back-pack that holds all our things, and under that, with the bandeau, is a little super short 11)denim short, which becomes our swimsuit. Pop on a pair of sneakers for a nice kinda young, urban look.
  Situation; I’m going shopping today with my friends. A little T-shirt dress, a denim jacket over that’ll give you a little waistline, if you like. You know, 12)clogs are the latest thing, I heard. I think they work. Lucky charms are happy. Lucky charms appeal to all human beings who love life and luck and all the good things that life has to offer. No matter who we are, a lucky charm is something universal to all of us. What more could you ask for?
