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兄弟罗曼史 Here`s to "Bromance"(2)

Bromancers say they keep the spark alive by making an extra effort to see one another and keeping an open and honest communication. Gerrity will be moving out of Mariner’s apartment come fall when he heads to 19)graduate school, and they’ll be trying long distance. “We had a long talk about it,” said Gerrity. “I won’t see him every day,” said Mariner. “But I don’t think we’re going to break up our bromance.”
  But rifts can occur when serious girlfriends enter the picture or someone moves to another city. And here is the complaint from Mrs. Mel B: “My husband goes rock climbing with his buddy every weekend. It’s been a bromance since the day they met. His wife and I got the biggest laugh after we learned they’d bought matching climbing equipment.” And she is not the minority. “Not only does my husband work with his BFF(Best Friends Forever), they go out constantly and love staying out until 4 a.m. every single time. It drives me crazy,” says Mrs. Jones.
  20)Lighten up, ladies. Ultimately it’s friendship. There is nothing wrong with bromance, in word or in fact. Just feel the love.
Here's to   处于处处彰显男人味的追求的“兄弟罗曼史”关系中的人似乎不担忧被人误会是同性恋。身处“兄弟罗曼史”关系中的人说,他们格外努力争取和对方相聚,和对方保持坦诚交流,以此保持彼此间的“火花”。格瑞提要去读研究生,所以这个秋天将搬出玛瑞耐尔的公寓,而他俩会尝试维持这种长距离的关系。“我们就这个问题长谈过,”格瑞提说道。“我将不能每天都见到他了,”玛瑞耐尔说,“但我想我们的‘兄弟罗曼史’关系不会破裂。”
  但当较真的女友们进入到“兄弟罗曼史”关系中来,或是“兄弟罗曼史”关系中的一方搬到另一座城市居住,这时候关系就会出线裂痕。以下就是来自梅尔·B太太的抱怨:“我丈夫每周都和他的密友去攀岩,他们哥俩是‘一见钟情’。 发现他俩竟然买了配对的攀岩设备后,我和他那密友的太太都哈哈大笑。”有如此感受的太太可不是少数。“我丈夫不仅和他那“今生最好的朋友”在一块工作,他俩还经常外出,而且每次外出都喜欢在外待到凌晨四点才回家,这让我抓狂。”琼斯太太说道。

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