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荷兰的文化符号 Cultural Icons of Holland


  Holland may be a small country, but it still manages to have some of the world’s best-known national symbols. Tell someone the name “Holland”, and even if they know nothing of the country they’ll still likely be able to rattle off1) a list of clichés2). Here are some of the more notable Dutch clichés and the stories behind them.
  Tulips 郁金香——“偷”来的国花
Tulips  Tulips are Holland’s national flower, and when in season you can view vast fields of them in certain parts of the country.
  Oddly enough, tulips have actually gotten somewhat controversial as of late3). You see, the flowers are not native to Holland, and the only reason they even have them in the first place is because Dutch marauders4) stole them from Turkey in the 17th century. The Turks resent this, and in recent years have tried to reclaim the tulip as their own national symbol. For example, the official Turkey tourism logo now features a prominent tulip, and even in Canada, the once exclusively Dutch Ottawa Tulip Festival5) is now “jointly hosted” by Holland and Turkey in a gesture of fairness.
  Wooden Shoes 木鞋——劳动人民的最爱
Wooden Shoes  Wooden shoes, also known as “clogs6)” or “klompen7)” in Dutch, are a holdover8) from Holland’s agricultural roots. In the days before plastic and rubber became mainstream, wood was a cheap, readily available material for making strong, waterproof shoes that were perfect for working long days in the fields. As Holland remained a nation of farmers until very recently, clogs were the most common form of working-class footwear well into the early 20th century.
  Some people still wear wooden shoes today—usually just farmers and other people who spend a lot of time wading through dirt. The clogs that you can buy in most stores are intended more for decorative purposes. Real clogs intended for wearing are usually far less attractive.
  Windmills 风车——蓝天白云下的亮丽风景
Windmills  Another former staple9) of Dutch agricultural life, mills were originally used for all sorts of practical purposes such as grinding flour, sawing wood, or pumping water. Today they’ve mostly been rendered obsolete by modern machinery, but some can still be seen operating in the Dutch countryside. Because they’re such treasured national symbols, there is a windmill conservation movement in Holland that seeks to preserve the remaining survivors.

  Though windmills may be disappearing, wind turbines10) are plentiful. Because Holland is so flat and windy, wind power remains a popular source of energy. When you’re driving across long stretches of flat farmland, collections of tall, white wind turbines are a common sight.
Cheese  The Dutch are known for being fond of their cheese. After all, every postcard from the Netherlands that doesn’t feature tulips seems to be of a piece of cheese. In fact, the Dutch are such famous cheese-eaters that they are known abroad as “cheese-heads”.
   It’s hard not to see how important cheese is to the Dutch way of life. You only need to take a look at the phenomenally high consumption of cheese in the country—on average, about 15 kg of cheese per person each year—to see how highly it is prized. Some scientists say all this cheese eating accounts for the high average height of the Dutch; almost everyone says it accounts for the wide average girth of the Dutch.
  Then there is the hugely profitable cheese export, which may be the reason for all the ‘cheese-head’ mutterings11) abroad. The Netherlands produces over 630,000 tons of cheese, and almost 500,000 tons of it are shipped out to the United States and the rest of the world, to earn the title of World’s Biggest Cheese Exporter.
  National Anthem国歌——威廉王子的“迷你”自传
Dutch National Anthem  The Dutch national anthem is supposedly the world’s oldest, but it’s also one of the strangest. It’s basically just a short autobiographical summary of Prince William12) of Orange, as sung by himself. So when you sing the Dutch anthem you are essentially speaking as the prince, which sounds a bit odd. Here are the lyrics:
   William of Nassau13) A Prince of Orange
   Am I, of German descent Am I, free and fearless
   Loyal to the fatherland The king of Spain
   I will remain until I die I have always honored
   拿骚的威廉 奥兰治王朝的王子
   就是我,日耳曼的后裔 就是我,自由、无畏
   忠于祖国 西班牙王
   至死不渝 是我永远的荣耀
  In the everyday life of Holland the bike is a familiar sight. Sixteen million people own approximately thirteen million bicycles! Nearly everyone has one, and some people even have two: a Dutchman without a bike is like a fish without water! Holland is the ultimate cycling country. The Dutch use the bicycle as a means of transportation rather than just a recreational sport: using their bike for daily shopping and to commute to work.

  Obligatory separate bicycle lanes are indicated by the round blue sign with a white bicycle in the middle. In many parts, you will find superbly indicated special routes for cyclists which will lead you through some of the most attractive regions of Holland. Holland’s excellent bicycle path network is clearly marked with the ANWB’s (Royal Dutch Touring Club) red and white signs and mushrooms-shaped posts, indicating the quickest route from A to B. Many companies specialize in the rent and repair of bicycles. Special events for cyclists are regularly organized. In short, Holland is a “cyclist friendly” country with a climate characterized by mild winters and comfortable summers.
  Marijuana 大麻——毒品也合法
Marijuana  There is a widespread belief in much of the world that pot14) is 100% legal in all of Holland. In reality the situation is much more complex. Generally speaking, pot is only to be smoked indoors, either in your private home or in a licensed bar. Smoking pot anywhere else, especially in a public place, is as frowned upon—and illegal—in Holland as it is anywhere else. Possessing five ounces of marijuana is not illegal, but any more than that and you could get busted for drug possession.
  All this being said, “pot” and “Holland” are increasingly becoming synonymous, and these days the drug is frequently used as a tourist attraction of sorts. In many tourist towns—Amsterdam especially—you can buy all sorts of crap with marijuana leaves on it, like T-shirts, ashtrays, keychains, and backpacks. The famed “Coffee Shops” in which pot is legally allowed to be smoked are also becoming big attractions for the international stoner15) crowd.
  1. rattle off:(不费力地)飞快说出(或写出);rattle [5rAtl] vi. 发连续短促的尖叫声
  2. cliché [5kli:FeI] n. 陈词滥调,用滥了的套语
  3. as of late:最近,近来
  4. marauder [mE5rC:dE(r)] n. 掠夺者
  5. Ottawa Tulip Festival:渥太华郁金香节,世界上最大的郁金香节,于每年的5月举行。
  6. clog [klC^] n. 木屐
  7. klompen [5klRmpEn] n.荷兰人穿的木底鞋
  8. holdover [5hEJld7EJvE(r)] n.〈美〉自前一时代过来的人(或物);剩余物
  9. staple [5steIpl] n. 主要产品(或商品)
  10. turbine [5tE:bIn, -baIn] n. 涡轮机
  11. mutter [5mQtE] vi.小声抱怨
  12. Prince William:威廉王子(1533~1584),即荷兰奥兰治王朝的开国国王(1559~1584年在位),被荷兰人称为“祖国之父”。
  13. Nassau [5nAsC:] n. 拿骚,巴哈马首都
  14. pot [pCt] n.〈口〉大麻
  15. stoner [5stEunE(r)] n.〈口〉(尤指吸食大麻的)瘾君子
