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《真爱不死》:物是人非情未了 The Phantom Never Dies

《真爱不死》:物是人非情未了 The 1)Phantom Never Dies

The Phantom Never Dies  一个舞台,两段情,三个人,这就是构成《歌剧魅影》的基本元素。多年之后,《歌剧魅影》的续集《真爱不死》带着神秘的面纱回到我们的视线,还是这个展现爱恨情仇的舞台,但是那些曾经的才子歌姬已不复《歌剧魅影》的纯真与无邪,更没有了“爱,就是放手”这样的潇洒与豁达。因为《真爱不死》里面没有了天使与传说,黑与白之间亦因为角色的成长而划出了一片灰色的无光区域。在这里,有暧昧情愫,有秘密情事,有情与欲的纠葛,剪不断,理还乱。
  我想起大学时期与室友一同看《歌剧魅影》的那个下午,当时是炎炎夏日,但我却感到阵阵寒意。在那个充满诡秘气氛的剧院,“魅影”用生命谱写了一段恋曲。他用情极深,但同时他的爱也令人窒息,无处可逃。我第一次体会到何为“爱比死更冷”。 ——mac

  To think that all this time that poor, old, half-faced composer hasn’t been dead at all, just 2)stewing in his lust for greater glory. Being the title character of The Phantom of the Opera, the most successful musical of all time, wasn’t enough for him. He was determined to return—with different material and a 3)rejuvenated body—to the scene of his first triumph. So now he’s back, first in the 4)West End, later in different areas of the whole world.
  Even for someone who has seen The Phantom of the Opera 852 times and regards any 5)sequel as equivalent to painting a moustache on the Mona Lisa, Love Never Dies is still wonderful. No masterpiece has been 6)besmirched. But there is a crucial difference between the two shows. The hero of Phantom was a 7)crazed character, prepared to murder and send 8)chandeliers crashing to further the career of his beloved Christine. In Love Never Dies, set ten years later, he has become “Mr. Y”, the mysterious owner of a Coney Island 9)pleasure ground who lures Christine back for a well-paid 10)gig. Romantic obsession may be common to both shows, but whereas one may feel sympathy for a 11)doomed outsider, it is hard to feel much for an 12)omnipotent13)impresario.
  The original musical 14)agonized over the possibility of unconditional love in a relationship of beauty-and-the-beast 15)opposites and mutual professional inspiration. In Love Never Dies, the professional inspiration is still here. For Christine, having discovered her employer’s true identity, the big question is “to sing or not to sing?” The result is a 16)foregone conclusion. Admittedly Christine’s debt-ridden husband, Raoul, is tempted by the Phantom’s 17)taunting offer of an even bigger fee to take the family back to Paris; but Raoul is too much of a 18)cipher to count. And, although Christine’s arrival angers Meg Giry, who had previously been Mr Y’s leading showgirl, 19)moody Meg’s revenge comes 20)late in the day.
  One of the show’s most effective tricks is to introduce an innocent child into the proceedings, for as Gustave wanders helplessly through the adult action he seems terrifyingly vulnerable to the 21)whirling passions and dangerous mechanical 22)curiosities that surround him. It may be little more than classy 23)house of horrors stuff, but when the child goes missing, one fears terribly for his well-being.

Love Never Dies 真爱不死  What one cannot doubt is the technical excellence of Jack O’Brien’s 24)seamlessly fluent, 25)sumptuous production, as well as the 26)splendor of the orchestra which pours forth Lloyd Webber’s dark-hued, yearning melodies as if life depended on them. Special praise should go to the lyrical lavishness of Bob Crowley and Jon Driscoll’s designs, with their 27)gilt interiors where the 28)vegetation-imitating 29)contours and giant peacock-30)plumage of 31)Art Nouveau run 32)rampant, and their ghostly external locations where a brilliantly deployed combination of flowing projection (33)timed to perfection with emotional and rhythmic shifts in the music) and 34)solidly presented stage-effects create a 35)dizzying Coney Island of the mind. Jack O’Brien’s production seems entirely 36)in tune with Lloyd Webber’s vision, conjuring a world of bright electric lights and dark shadows, fastened37)hedonism and hearts that have turned corrupted with jealousy and hatred.

  As for the singers, they give a five-star performance. Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess sing wonderfully as the Phantom and Christine, with a real spark between them. Looking gorgeous in a range of stylish period-outfits, Sierra Boggess’s Christine boasts a voice that can 38)purr quietly and then 39)knock you dead with her 40)towering 41)rendition of the climactic title number. And Karimloo 42)deftly combines danger and vulnerability throughout. Meanwhile, Joseph Millson memorably captures the self-destructive Raoul.
  After watching the show I couldn’t help but wonder whether it can be a hit. There is no doubt that Love Never Dies seems like a 43)relic of another age. In the midst of a recession, will audiences spend on two-and-a-half hours of dark Gothic imaginings and 44)seething passion?
  What I have no doubt about whatsoever is that this is Lloyd’s finest show since the original Phantom, with a45)score blessed by 46)superbly 47)haunting melodies and a yearning romanticism that48)sent shivers racing down my spine.
  The show may be seen too strange and too dark to become a massively popular hit, but I suspect its creepy allure will linger 49)potently in the memory when 50)frothier shows have been long forgotten.

  在演唱方面,演员们的表现更可谓是“五星级”的。扮演“魅影”的莱 明·卡莱姆罗和扮演克莉斯汀的席亚 拉·波姬丝都唱功了得,两人之间擦出了真正的火花。席亚拉·波姬丝扮演的克莉斯汀穿着那个时代的时髦衣服,看上去美丽动人,她毫不吝啬地秀出自己的歌 喉——低吟时如汩汩流水般轻柔,而演唱至标题曲目之时又激昂澎湃,令人赞叹至极。卡莱姆罗则由始至终灵巧地把险恶与脆弱这两种特质糅合得恰到好处。同时,约瑟夫·密尔森把自甘堕落的劳尔演绎得恰到好处,给人留下了深刻的印象。
  我可以肯定的是,《真爱不死》是继《歌剧魅影》之后,劳埃 德·韦伯最优秀的戏剧,其配乐充满美妙难忘的旋律和让人情迷思牵的浪漫色彩,这直让我身心震颤。


    故事发生在十九世纪的法国巴黎歌剧院。传说在歌剧院的地窖里住着一位遭毁容的天才音乐作曲家,他多年来神出鬼没,被众人称为“魅影”。他经常以鬼魅之姿制造纷乱,干涉剧院方对主角人选和戏码的安排。无意间,  “魅影”爱上了剧院里年轻有才的女歌手克莉斯汀,因此他不遗余力地启发与教导克莉斯汀,将她打造成优秀的女歌手。渐渐地,  “魅影”对克莉斯汀的爱转变为强烈的占有欲,对其事业和生活都百般干涉。
    克莉斯汀对“魅影”的启发与教导心存感激,但她爱的却是剧院年轻的投资人劳尔,两人相互倾慕,并秘密订婚。  “魅影”对此大为震怒,并发誓要除去劳尔。  “魅影”不断制造事端,但都不能拆散这对爱侣。最后,他伤心欲绝,悄然离去,只留下一张似笑非笑的凄然面具…

安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯 他才是真正的“魅影”

   韦伯为多部经典的音乐剧编曲,其中《艾薇塔》  (即《贝隆夫人》)中的Don't Cry for Me, Argentina,  《猫》中的Memory,  《歌剧魅影》中的The Music of the Night和The Phantom of the Opera最为人所熟知。而这些歌曲深受乐评界的好评和乐迷的喜爱。
