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以效率的名义 Internet vs, Productivity

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  可这“热闹”究竟是温暖的围脖还是闹剧?作为新的人际互动工具,它的作用显然超越它的创始人“What are you doing”的初衷。可是,了解他人琐碎小事的动机是什么?后果又会是什么?消息传播的“快”、“多”、“新”会对这个社会,对我们每个人造成什么影响?这期的“酷锐话题”我们一起来探讨这个问题。

  E-mail 1)Haze电子邮件迷雾
  David Shipley (NY Times Editor): And I was, you know, we were talking earlier about my walk over from the New York Times building to the NPR studios. And on the way I was just sort of conducting an informal survey, and I saw eight, maybe nine people just BlackBerrying away.
  Host: Can I just mention, you’re walking through midtown Manhattan near Times Square, one of the most spectacular and interesting places to look around and you’re looking at people who aren’t looking around.
  David: Exactly. And how many of us have actually pulled out our BlackBerrys and just sent off a bunch of e-mails to fill those 2)interstitial spaces? Now, you know, it’s a fine way to occupy your time, but you have to ask, well, what’s gonna happen to the person who’s received all those e-mails? There’s a wonderful quote from 3)Bob Geldof, “E-mail gives the illusion of progress even when nothing is happening.”
  And I think we’re finding that more and more in our lives, that we spend our entire days e-mailing and we leave the office with sort of this e-mail haze at the end of the day. And we think, you know, I was incredibly busy today, I fired off all these e-mails, but what actually happened? You know, we’re e-mailing more and we’re communicating less.

  Twitter Craze 微博痴狂
  Sure seems like social networks are everywhere, but are they too popular?
  Well, some companies think so. And as Christina Haggar tells us they’re now banning employees from using those networks when they’re supposed to be working.
  Checking out your friends’ pictures from that party last night? At work?
  Interviewee: People are checking to see what other people are doing all the time.
  It’s changing the landscape everywhere. The awkward meeting between corporate shirt-and-tie world and cyber-social world. We’re talking Facebook, Twitter.
  Jack Fellers (Robert Half Technology): We actually surveyed 1,400 CIOs throughout the U.S. and we asked them how or if they allowed the use of some of these social media sites.
  54% making workers turn Twitter and Facebook off.
  Jack: Probably part of that 54%, they really don’t know what the 4)ramifications of opening up their lines of communication are.
  On Twitter, Ben Goodman messaged, “I’m a student at UMaine. Not being able to 5)tweet during my job, during the day, it is terrible—slowed down number of updates since summer job. I have Twitter up during classes and meetings. No one seems to mind. Helps keep classes current.”
  Jack: Well, if you are out networking, and you are, you know, sharing information with the marketer on what you do a new product release, that’s acceptable. If you are twittering your friends about how, well, what a horrible day you’re having that’s unacceptable.
  Not a good idea. The IT firm that came out with this survey is called Robert Half Technology. It found 19% of the companies surveyed do allow social networking, but for business purposes only, and 10% had no policy at all.
  Facebook: 脸谱网自2004年
  Twitter: 推特网在2006年首次推出,它利用无线网络、有线网络、通信技术进行即时通讯,是微博客的典型应用。它允许用户将自己的最新动态和想法以短信息的形式发送给手机和个性化网站群。推特微博每次最多只能写140字(单词)。
