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The Fashion of the Future:Scientists 1)Usher in a New Age of Hi-tech Textiles 科学家引领时尚的未来


  据了解,科学家们一直在进行“隐形衣”的研究,他日如果真的研制成功,那它亦可算是科学与时尚两者之间的又一次火花碰撞——科幻小说里经常出现的神奇的“隐形衣”肯定会受到无数人的追捧。不过,对于未来十几年的时尚热点,科学家们已有自己的独特见解,赶紧一起来看看! ——Maisie

the fashion of the future
  As London recovers from the glamour and 2)glitz of its 25th annual 3)Fashion Week, the 4)haute couture 5)caravan moves on from Milan to Paris. By the end of the trip, we should have some idea of the trends that will be making their way from 6)catwalk to 7)high street in the early months of 2010. But if you want to know what the hot looks will be a decade further on, don’t ask a designer—talk to a scientist. 

1) usher [5QFE] v. 引领,展示
2) glitz [glIts] n. 闪光,炫目,浮华
3) Fashion Week 此指2009伦敦春夏时装周。伦敦时装周是国际四大著名时装周之一,每年举办2次,分春夏时装周(9、10月上旬)和秋冬时装周(2、3月),它基本决定了当年及次年的世界服装流行趋势
4) haute couture <法> 高级女子时装
5) caravan [5kArEvAn] n. 大篷车,有蓬卡车
6) catwalk [5kAtwC:k] n. 狭窄甬道,如桥的侧边或戏院舞台上布景控制处的过道,此指时装表演舞台
7) high street 此指高街。“High street(高街时尚)”这个词是指那些英国主要商业街的商店仿造T形台时尚秀上展示的时装,迅速制作为成品销售,让人人都能买到。英国很多城市最繁华的商业街都被称为“高街”

  I’m not suggesting that the white lab coat is about to become the new little black dress. But new ideas are being developed that could change everything about what we wear. For example, designers such as Manel Torres are exploring the possibility of 8)spray-on clothing, and have successfully created 9)prototypes. Torres’s 10)non-woven fabric can be made by spraying 11)benign chemical 12)formulations directly towards the body, distributing thousands of fibers across the wearer’s skin, which then bind together to form disposable garments. 

8) spray-on 喷射
9) prototype [5prEJtEtaIp] n. 样品,原型
10) non-woven 非纺织的
11) benign [bI5naIn] adj. 良性的,对健康无害的
12) formulation [7fC:mjJ5leIFEn] n. 制剂,配制成的材料

  If clothing does become a matter of “spray and go”, it will bring a new meaning to the expression “throwing an outfit on”. But it’s not just the process of creating the fabrics: textile research has begun to address the idea of making them responsive. Imagine if your clothing could alter the feeling of a room when you walk in, to suit your preferences. Science could provide outfits that both interact with and control the environment they are in. On a smaller scale, this could be in the form of clothing that heats or cools in response to temperature changes: such fabrics are being researched by the 13)University of Bath and 14)London College of Fashion, 15)engineered around 16)systems found in nature. In the longer term, 17)nanotechnology within fabrics could allow built interiors to become “smart” objects, allowing a room to adjust its smell, color, temperature, texture, taste and sounds to suit its inhabitants’ moods. 

13) University of Bath 巴斯大学,成立于1966年,是一所规模较小的英国大学
14) London College of Fashion 伦敦时装学院,成立于1967年,在提供时装教育、研究和咨询方面享有良好的国际声誉
15) engineer [7endVI5nIE] v. 设计,制造
16) system [5sIstEm] n. 规律,方法
17) nanotechnology [5nAnEJ7tek5nɒlEdVI] n. 纳米技术,指的是仅用原子或分子来制造电路板与电子装置的技术


  Fabrics implanted with nanotechnology could even help you get a date. Scientists and designers are researching clothing that has the capacity to monitor the body’s respiratory system, heartbeat and temperature controls and respond to alter your health or mood. Jenny Tillotson, a designer at 18)Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, has been developing a “smart” second skin, which has interactive fragrance technology permanently built into the clothing: examples include clothing and jewellery that release scents such as 19)menthol, which could help alleviate medical problems including 20)asthma attacks. This innovation could also be used for more romantic purposes. In the future, your clothing could sense your body’s 21)indicators of physical attraction—such as increases in your temperature, heart rate and amount of sweat—and release hormones to attract the opposite sex.


the fashion of the future

  That’s only the beginning, though. Within the decade, we could see stores selling shirts that turn us into 22)portable power stations. Scientists are already looking to develop energy-23)scavenging fabrics, with nanotechnology built in that uses the 24)kinetic energy from the wearer’s movements and converts it into electricity for powering electronic devices—a similar principle, in fact, to the kinetic watches sold today. Such systems would be potentially life-saving for hikers and soldiers, but in the wider market could power mobile phones, MP3 players and more. Beyond this, scientists are examining how energy-scavenging fabrics could convert low-frequency 25)vibrations into electricity, using 26)nanowires entwined with the fabric’s fibers to avoid affecting the look of the clothing. 
  Beyond the advantages for the consumer, science fashion could also help save the planet, or at the least provide solutions to some of the ecological and sustainability issues in today’s society. An interesting example of this is Suzanne Lee’s “bio-couture” project, which is investigating the use of 27)bacterial-28)cellulose, grown in a laboratory, to produce clothing: instead of using fibers from plants or animals, we could grow a dress in a 29)vat of liquid. 
  This may all seem like a distant dream, but it is not so far away. Science has long affected the way we dress, from the gradual improvement of wool and cotton production to the introduction of artificial fibers. In fact, some of these textile innovations are appearing on the catwalk. In 2008, 30)Hussein Chalayan brought his exquisite 31)LED dress to the catwalks of Tokyo. This video dress displayed a 32)time-lapsed image of a rose opening up and closing, with an array of colors and light, made possible by 15,000 LEDs 33)embedded in the fabric. Chalayan has also displayed clothes that changed shape before the spectator’s eyes: zippers closing, cloth 34)bunching and 35)hemlines rising without human assistance, thanks to the use of micro-controllers, switches and motors. 
  In short, it is a 36)pivotal moment for textiles and Britain’s leading fashion science schools, such as those at Central Saint Martins and the 37)Royal College of Art, are leading the world in exciting design opportunities inspired by science. There is little doubt that these are exciting times for fashion and science. 
