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Sacagawea: The Saga of a Woman Indian Explorer 萨卡加维亚:印第安女探险家的传奇


By Jim Garamone and Lara Marks
左云慧 选 冰尘 译 medium

She was a slave, a woman and an Indian. And America might not be what it is today without Sacagawea. Who was Sacagawea? Who has she become? And why does her legend live on? These questions are central to understanding Sacagawea, in her own right, in the context of the nineteenth century, and in today’s setting. Most of what is known of her life is from incomplete records and is therefore imbued with a great deal of legend and hearsay.
So, a near-legendary figure in the history of the American West for her indispensible role on the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Sacagawea has become an enigma for historians seeking to trace her life. The history of Sacagawea’s life is shrouded in mystery and myth.
Sacagawea belonged to the Shoshone Indians. She was born to a tribe of Shoshone in 1788. This tribe lived in what is now western Montana, between the headwaters of the Missouri River and the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains. She was betrothed at an early age to a much older man. However, at about the age of 12, she was kidnapped by a raiding group of Hidatsa Indians, and taken to their village.
This unfortunate occurrence for Sacagawea led to an exciting adventure. She quickly became assimilated to the Hidatsa culture and learned to speak their language. She therefore grew up culturally affiliated with this tribe; her name is taken from the Hidatsa phrase for “Bird Woman”. She was later sold into slavery with the Mandans. She was then sold to a French-Canadian fur trader named Toussaint Charbonneau and he made her one of his plural wives. Sacagawea and her husband lived among the Hidatsa and Mandan Indians in the upper Missouri River area (present-day North Dakota). …

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