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创造梦“响” If You Build It, They Will Play


  It was the early 1980's and Ron Samuels' good friend had just returned from the Oregon Country Fair with news about an incredible instrument that had turned the whole crowd on1)—the marimba2). Those days, marimba bands were frequent but nobody really knew much about the instrument itself. Ron knew he had to find one. He didn't yet know it, but the marimba would soon take over Ron's entire life.

  A college student at Humboldt State University at the time, Ron searched for—and amazingly found—a marimba in the music department on campus. The instrument had a warm, dark sound that you could feel in the depths of your body and soul. Ron instantly fell in love with it.

  "I think I actually always had that sound in my head to begin with3), even though I had never studied it. It was a sound I recognized."
  “我想实际上那个声音从一 开始就一直在我的脑子里,即使我从没有学过木琴,但那个声音我本来就认识。”

Ron Samuels  Playing the marimba at school when he could, Ron became more passionate about the instrument, being more intrigued4) by the possibilities of what it might do. The same friend who had introduced him to the marimba began urging him to make one himself, to really explore those possibilities of sound that he was reaching for. As a child Ron had loved building blocks and Erector Sets5), but he'd not been extraordinarily passionate about building things. He'd never been into making model airplanes or anything along those lines. In fact, the only class he'd failed in college was his woodworking class! But the marimba was so intriguing. Ron decided to go for it6). What the hell, why not?

  "I'd never made any instrument before, never really even worked with wood, metal, or other serious building materials. But, enthusiasm can overcome a lot of challenges!"

  Ron's first marimba took over a year to build. It addressed7) all the big questions acoustically8) and musically. Building it became a full-time obsession. "Before I went down this road, I didn't have a plan. I was in college and I dropped out to pursue marimba-making full-time. I dropped out before I even knew this was going to be a business ... it was just much more interesting than going to college!"

  "Most of my friends became engineers, biologists, that sort of things, all in the sciences. For as much as9) they are a part of the counterculture, they all had more of a classic approach to education and a career. My parents had been fairly involved in the 1960's Civil Rights Movement and had never really subscribed wholeheartedly to the 'establishment' approach. They thought it was pretty outside the box10) but they could tell I was really enthusiastic and they wanted me to follow my heart—they really did. They actually loaned me some money to buy my first tools. They were really pleased to see me stick with it."

  With no marimba-making schools out there, Ron had to figure out the process by himself. His interest in building a better marimba propelled11) him to get a job in a woodworking shop. Lucky for him, the particular shop that hired him was an excellent place to learn woodworking skills.

  Young and single, Ron spent nearly every evening and weekend working on his marimba, determined to get it right. "What musicians were looking for in the sound of a marimba I had already sort of come to the conclusion that this is what a marimba should sound like and I was bent on12) achieving it, for myself. The idea really was just to have a nice instrument for myself."

  About three years into his marimba-making quest, Ron had started honing13) his skills and began thinking that it might actually be possible to turn his passion into a real business. His marimbas were sounding better and better all the time.

  "I started going to this one trade show, the Percussive Arts Society International Convention. I went as an observer for a few years, just to meet marimba players and get their ideas on what they want to hear. One year I drove from Arcata to Austin, Texas, with a few of my marimbas and came home with several pages full of all the things I'd have to change in my instruments. I made the changes and went back the following year, this time to come home with only three-quarters of a page of changes. I made all those changes and went again. Then, people started buying them!"

  In 1989, about five years after he'd taken the job at the woodworking shop, Ron quit to run his marimba business full-time. And he's been at it ever since. His company, Marimba One, is now known for its high-end14), world-class professional instruments and is a leader in the marimba world.

  Years after stumbling upon15) his first marimba and dropping out of college to make a better one, Ron is still hard at work trying to create the perfect instrument. "It's a lifelong, evolving process. I always have to fix it and make it better."

  His favorite time to listen to the instrument that stole his heart is at a rehearsal, when you can walk around and really hear what a musician is trying to bring out in the music. It is then when he connects most with that deep, warm magical sound that drew him into the world of the marimba so many years ago. One day, he will make a marimba that will fully reveal the secret of that sound to the rest of us. Until then, he and Marimba One will keep on keeping on.

  1. turn on: <俚> (使)产生兴趣(或爱好、热情)
  2. marimba [mE5rImbE] n. 【音】马林巴琴(即木琴)
  3. to begin with: 原先,本来
  4. intrigue [In5tri:^] vt. 激起……的好奇心(或兴趣)
  5. Erector Sets: 美国一种建筑拼装玩具,由A. C. Gilbert于1911年打造,两年后开始批量制造并销售,深受全球儿童喜爱。
  6. go for it: <口> 大胆试一试
  7. address [E5dres] vt. 处理,对付
  8. acoustically [E5ku:stIkElI] adv. 听觉上,声学上
  9. as much as: 实际上;差不多
  10. outside the box: 打破常规的
  11. propel [prE5pel] vt. 推动;激励,驱策
  12. be bent on: 决意
  13. hone [hEun] vt. 磨练;训练
  14. high-end [5haI5end] adj. (产品等)同类中最贵的,最高档的,高端的
  15. stumble upon: 偶然遇到,碰巧找到
