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“家庭主父”不易做 The Challenges of Being a Domestic Dad(2)

  Ronald, Chicago, USA: “My wife and I were at an insurance office the other day, arranging 19)coverage for our new car. The agent asked me how much driving I do. Before I could answer, my wife said, ÔHe hardly ever drives. I’m the one who works.’ I felt really bad. I mean, I do a lot of work at home, taking care of the kids, doing the laundry, keeping track of what’s happening on Oprah. How do I get my wife to rea-lize that I work as hard as she does?”
  Stay-at-home veteran: “Congratulations! You are the1,000th stay-at-home dad to ask me that question. I’m going to send you a wonderful prize: a loaf of bread. So the next time your wife tells someone she’s the one who works, you can say, Oh yeah? Then tell me, honey, who is the20)breadwinner?’”
  Rajiv, 21)Mumbai, India: “I’m a new stay-at-home dad and I’m really enjoying it. I don’t know why some men struggle so much. Sure, there’s a lot of cooking and cleaning to do, but if you’re organized and diligent, you can make sure everything gets done before the servants have to go home.”
  Stay-at-home veteran: “Thank you for your comment, Rajiv. I’d really like to see for myself how well your system works. Do you think I could borrow your servants for a few weeks?” 


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