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去丛林当间谍 A Spy in the Jungle(2)

ason, when it came to cleaning up the sludge12), the government assigned just 133 of the 321 sites to Texaco; PetroEcuador took responsibility for the rest. Texaco spent $40 million in its cleanup efforts, and when the work was done, analysts from a Quito university came to collect oil and water samples. By 1998, all of Texaco’s sites had been approved, and the Ecuadorian government signed a full release.
  By then, the first lawsuit was already being argued in U.S. courts. That suit, filed in New York in 1993, was eventually dismissed, but it paved the way for the current suit, filed in Ecuador in 2003. This time, Chevron13) is the defendant—the California-based oil company purchased Texaco in 2001. Chevron rests its defense on three pillars: Chevron itself never operated in Ecuador; the Ecuadorian government already released Texaco from these claims; and, finally, the plaintiffs have committed fraud.


  Until fairly recently, it seemed that Chevron would prevail. But starting in 2006, a series of dramatic changes took place. Rafael Correa14) won the presidency. In an interview, he said, “ Our oil company [PetroEcuador] has also done a lot of damage in the rainforest, but it is very clear that the problem comes from the Chevron-Texaco period.”
  The case truly began slipping away from Chevron when the Ecuadorian court assigned a single independent expert to assess the environmental damages. The expert settled on a $27.3 billion figure that Chevron alone would be held responsible for covering. A judgment could come as early as the first quarter of 2011, and at this stage, many believe Chevron will lose.
  Sam explained that once the company realized it was losing the PR battle, it regrouped and hired Kroll. Based in New York, Kroll has a global network of employees, vast resources, and powerful connections. Given this reach15), I knew Kroll could hire someone with a medical background, legal training, or at least some familiarity with Ecuador. But there was a reason they wanted me.
  With one Google search, anyone could see that I was a journalist. If I went to Lago Agrio as myself and pretended to write a story, no one would suspect that the starry-eyed16) young American poking around was actually shilling17) for Chevron.

Chevron  截至距今不久为止,雪佛龙看上去还是稳占上风的。但从2006年开始,情况却发生了一系列戏剧性的变化。拉斐尔·科雷亚当选总统,他在一次采访中说:“我们的石油公司(即厄瓜多尔石油公司)还对雨林造成了很大的破坏,但显而易见,问题的源头却要追溯到雪佛龙-德士古时期。”

  My assigment, should I choose to accept it, involved a health study that took place around 2007, when a Spanish human-rights activist named Carlos Beristain went to Lago Agrio. After interviewing 1,000 residents, Beristain concluded that the community suffered abnormally high cancer rates, and his study became a key part of the court-appointed expert’s report. But Chevron thought something was fishy18): Beristain had failed to disclose the names of all his assistants or of the people interviewed. To Chevron, the names were key to proving that the interviews were real. Was it possible that the plaintiffs had colluded with Beristain to handpick the interviewees? Kroll wanted me to find out.
  “You know you’re irreplaceable,” Sam told me on my last night in Bogotá. We were sitting outside a fancy Peruvian restaurant. The smoke from Sam’s cigarette curled in the lamplight, giving the moment a film-noir19) feel. But by then the excitement had mostly worn off20), and I wasn’t sure I could do this and live with21) myself. “There is no other Mary Cuddehe,” Sam continued. “If you don’t do this job, we’ll have to find another way.” Then he told me how much he could pay: $20,000 for about six weeks of work. Plus expenses.
  Part of me wanted to say yes. I was thrilled by the idea of a six-week paid adventure in the jungle, and I was curious about the case. Had the health study been fixed? Were the plaintiffs colluding with Beristain? Was Chevron desperate and paranoid22), merely trying to smear23) its opponents? Despite my curiosity, I knew I had to say no. If I’m ever going to answer those questions, it will have to be in my role as a journalist, not as a corporate spy.


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