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我的时间旅行者朋友 My Friend the Time Traveler

My Friend the Time Traveler  So, I knew this guy from the future. I know what you’re thinking: yeah right注1! I told him the exact same thing. He kept being from the future anyhow. I asked him, of course, when he was from and he replied that the future of his origin was just far enough away for him not to be bothered by it presently.
  He hadn’t come to warn us about anything. No impending[逼近] doom or nothing like that. The immediate future holds nothing but more of life, he said; more work, more hassle[激烈的争论] and that’s it. What he had actually come for was quite simple: he wanted to be very rich, quickly, with no work at all, and now he could. He had brought with him a list of all major sporting results of our time, and I told him that this was a very Back to the Future注2 thing to do. He replied that this was, in fact, from where he had gotten the idea. He added that any idea worth mentioning from this period of time had, in fact, come from Michael J. Fox anyway. When I inquired about paradoxes[自相矛盾的话] and the continuous flow of time[同time flow], he shrugged[耸肩] and said that he had no idea and didn’t really care much. He wasn’t the brightest sort – in fact, he was very simple-minded, wanting only money and nothing to do all day. In that sense, my friend and I were very much alike. So, of course he hadn’t any idea how the time machine had worked or nothing like that either. I guess it was really bad luck that no one brighter had come to our past, but there you go.
  Naturally, he had no money with him, and immediately wanted to borrow as much money as I had so that he could place his sporting bets. I had plenty of crazy moochers[招摇撞骗的人] in my life, so I refused. But he then wrote me a list of all sporting results of importance for the upcoming Sunday and said that he would prove himself to me. And he did, spot-on[准确的] with every single result, and that, of course, changed things for me. I lent him everything I had and some of what I could loan from others around me, and we went to get rich. We agreed to split it all between us and divide the bets out among all the bookies[马票商,赛马的赌注者] we could find. By late Sunday we were rich, and we were so excited about it that we went out to celebrate in style[时髦地]. This was, after all, just the beginning of the good life.


  As it turned out, though, it was the end of the good life as well. Some journalist noticed us poor-looking saps[笨蛋] tearing up town on a spending spree注3, and apparently[显然地] we bragged[自夸] to him about our scheme at some bar very late in the night. He had written an article on it, and the article was published. Then the sports results started changing, as we had somehow impacted the present enough to change the course of everything. During the next betting session we barely broke even[收支平衡]. We still had money left but not enough to base our whole lives on. This got my friend extremely depressed. He said that he certainly hadn’t come back to this crappy[(俚)蹩脚的] past just to be poor again here.
  As I returned to work, saying easy-come-easy-go, my friend stayed at home getting increasingly depressed. I was actually worried that some strange time paradox would suddenly cause my friend to vanish, but that didn’t happen. Not in that sense at least. Instead he attempted to rob a bank. I saw it on the news live; he sucked[差劲] at that, too. He tried to drive off from the police on a bicycle which turned out just as ridiculous[荒唐的] as it sounds. I guess they didn’t have cars in the future he came from. Well, the trial was sort of quick and my friend went to jail for a long time.
  I see him occasionally, but he has become quite gloomy[抑郁的] to talk to and miserable. When I saw him last he threatened me, saying that he felt that all of our winnings should really be his, and when he got out of jail he would come and take it all from me. Instead, I used what was left of his winnings to pay an old classmate of mine in the slammer[监狱] to rough up[殴打] my friend and discourage this strange idea of his. My old classmate put my friend up in the hospital for a couple of weeks in dire[可怕的] need of extensive dental[牙科的] work. Since then, I haven’t gone to visit him much as things have grown sort of awkward between us.
  I fear that my friend doesn’t fit well into this time. But then he didn’t fit well into his own, either. Perhaps that is what it is to be a time traveler – not to fit in anywhere but just hurry through one’s own miserable life. I really don’t know, but then what does anyone really know about time travel anyway?
  注2:《回到未来》是一个美国科幻电影系列,共有三部,分别拍摄于1985年、1989年和1990年。它告诉人们未来并非一成不变,而是掌握在自己的手中。每部电影充满喜剧性的同时也有深刻寓意,发人深省。该电影系列的男主角为下文提到的迈克尔·J·福克斯(1961-)。他是加拿大籍美国演员、作家,曾五次获得艾美奖,四次获得金球奖,代表作除电影《回到未来》三部曲外,还有电视剧《家族的诞生》(Family Ties,1982-1989)、《旋转城市》(Spin City,1996-2001)。
