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老人之爱 Anza-borrego - Excerpt of Into the Wild(3)

fornia. McCandless was thrilled to be on his way north, and he was relieved as well—relieved that he had again evaded the 29)im­pending threat of human intimacy, of friendship, and all the messy emotional baggage that comes with it.

  Painlessly, that is, from McCandless’s perspective—although not from the old man’s. Franz had been liv­ing a solitary existence for many years. He had no family and few friends. A disciplined, self-reliant man, he got along remarkably well despite his age and solitude. When McCandless came into his world, however, the boy undermined the old man’s 30)meticu­lously constructed defenses. Franz 31)relished being with McCandless, but their burgeoning friendship also reminded him how lonely he’d been. The boy unmasked the gaping void in Franz’s life even as he helped fill it. When Mc-Candless departed as sud­denly as he’d arrived, Franz found himself deeply and unexpect­edly hurt.

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