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,意思与The thief arrested the policeman迥然不同。


2) 要写好英语句子,你需要掌握句子结构。句子结构是我们表示思想和事件之间关系的方式。这意味着你应学会如何掌握以下三种不同类型的句子:

a) 简单句,包括一个主语和一个动词:The taxi has arrived. My sister answered the phone.等等。

b) 复合句,由两个或两个以上的简单句通过and, but, or等连词组成:I phoned a number of times. No one answered.→I phoned a number of times ,but no one answered.

c)复杂句,由两个或两个以上的简单句通过since, when, as soon as 等连词组成:We realized that something had gone wrong. We saw him run towards us.→We realized that something had gone wrong as soon as we saw him run towards us.当然还有其他的复杂句组成方式,例如,我们可以用-ing方式:Seeing him run towards us made us realize that something had gone wrong.掌握一门语言的写作要看你对句子结构的掌握程度。

182. There is not a letter ‘o’ in the word ‘number’. I don’t know why it can be abbreviated to ‘No’. Would you please explain it to me?

‘Number’ can be abbreviated to No. or No and ‘numbers’ to Nos. This is actually an abbreviation of the Latin ‘numero’ (= No.).

183. I’ve often heard that it is unnecessary for Chinese English learners to use such clichés as ‘strike while the iron is hot’ and ‘call a spade a spade’ and ‘it goes without saying’, etc. Can I follow this idea?

The phrases you have quoted are idioms. A lot of learners think (mistakenly) that they have to use phrases like this in order to sound as if they are speaking idiomatic English. What you have heard about them is right. Phrases like this are completely unnecessary for communication. However, there’s no harm in using idiomatic phrases provided you do so appropriately and don’t just ‘drag them in’ in order to show off. The most costeffective route to sounding as if you speak idiomatic English is to learn what prepositions go with what verbs and whether a verb combines with ing or ‘to’.
184〖ZK(〗〖WTHZ〗Is it right to say: agree with someone, agree to something, agree on something with someone?〖ST〗〖WT〗[ZK)]Yes:
—I agree with you. (Not 〖KG2〗agree to you* 〖KG2〗agree you*)
—I agree to the proposal. (Not 〖KG2〗agree with*)
—Surely we can agree on this. (= about)

185〖ZK(〗〖WTHZ〗Whats the difference between ‘Which class are you in?’ and ‘What class are you in?’〖ST〗〖WT〗[ZK)]‘Which ...?’ always refers to a limited specified choice, so if I ask ‘Which class are you in?’ Im referring to ‘this class’ or ‘that class’, and perhaps one other. ‘What ...?’ refers to an unlimited and unspecified choice, so if I ask ‘What class are you in?’ Im referring to any number of possible classes.

186〖ZK(〗〖WTHZ〗Whats the difference between ‘world of English’ and ‘English world’?〖ST〗〖WT〗[ZK)] 〖ZK(〗〖WTHZ〗World of English〖ST〗〖WT〗 could refer to the people concerned with English studies:
The publication of this dictionary has had a great effect on the world of English studies.〖ZK)〗
 〖ZK(〗〖WTHZ〗English world〖ST〗〖WT〗 is so rare I cant think of an immediate context for it unless I adapt it to e.g. Englishspeaking world (= those people in the world who speak English as their native language):
This new dictionary has been well received in the Englishspeaking world.〖ZK)〗

187. Through more than ten years’ learning, I have learned about 8,000 English vocabulary. But now having a job not related to English, I find it more difficult to increase my vocabulary other than in education. I would like to ask you for the secret or skills in increasing vocabulary.

And: During my English study, I always find it one of the headaches to remember English words. Are there any other ways to extend my vocabulary as well as to work hard at it?
Read as much as you can and as often as you can, but choose reading texts which are near your level. This is the very best way to increase your vocabulary.
Look at publishers’ English Language Teaching catalogues and choose a vocabulary practice book that is the right level for you. Do the exercises.
〖ZK)〗 〖ZK(〗Invest in books like The Longman Language Activator and my own Right Word Wrong Word and use them as reference books. Both these books will increase your vocabulary skills.〖ZK)〗

General Questions
188. As dictionaries are important in my English studies, how can I use them more effectively?


People tend to think that dictionaries just explain meanings and are rarely aware of the ‘range of services’ they provide. It’s desirable to own more than one good monolingual dictionary if at all possible, since together, different dictionaries give you a more rounded picture. However, the most important thing to do with a dictionary is really to use it, above all when you are reading. Use it till you truly know your way round it and enjoy what it offers you. Modern monolingual dictionaries provide some or all of the following services:
—British and American English variations
—structural information (for example, whether a verb is transitive or intransitive, whether it is followed by to or -ing; whether a noun is countable or uncountable, etc.)
—meaning (beginning with the most widely-used meaning)
—level of formality
—citations that a) bring out the meaning of the word b) are drawn from real use
—cross-references to other relevant entries
—usage notes
To get the most out of a dictionary, you need to extend your awareness of what it can do. There are also a number of extremely interesting variations on the standard dictionary, such as The Longman Language Activator which help you to choose the right word or phrase to express your ideas.

——结构上的信息 (例如:一个动词是及物动词还是不及物动词,它后面是接不定式to的形式,还

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