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② when在引导状语从句时,表示对比(可译为“本该……却……”) Why are you here when you should be at work.

③ when在引导状语从句时,表示条件(可译为“在……情况下”) I was very difficult when it comes to you.

43. whenever 无论何时(引导并列从句,表示转折)

He had a habit of telling me jokes whenever he saw me.他有个习惯,每次见到我都要跟我讲些笑话。

I heard the story many times as a child, whenever my family visited Aunt Bettie in the old house in Berryville, Virginia.她的轶事,在我还小的时候就听过多遍。每逢我们一家去看望她时,她都要讲讲她的故事,当时姨婆住在弗吉尼亚贝利维尔一所旧房子里。

44. whereas 然而,另一方面(引导并列从句)

She had never done anything for them, whereas they had done everything for her. 她从来没有为他们做过任何事,而他们为她做了一切。

Whereas some people like rice, others like steamedbread. 有些人喜欢吃米饭,有些人喜欢吃馒头。

45. wherever 不论何处(引导地点状语从句)

He sat a little while somewhere, had something to eat at one of these places, then went wherever he had to go. 他在什么地方坐了一会,吃了点东西,然后去他该去的任何地方。

Wherever he goes, I will follow, and I don't care what will happen. 不管他到哪儿,我都要跟着,我不管会发生什么事。

16) Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, the behavior of animal depends mainly on instinct.

[A] whereas
[B] so
[C] unless
[D] that


1) A错。 改为far。

2) A错。 改为long。

3) C错。 改为that。

4) D错。改为and。

5) D为正确答案。

6) C错。改为but。

7) D错。 改为or。

8) B为正确答案。

9) B为正确答案。

10) C为正确答案。

11) B为正确答案。

12) C错。 改为but also。

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