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你令爱了不起 Finding the Answer to a Cosmic Riddle(2)

  Wyatt laughed, looked me straight in the eye and said, “Mommy so happy!”
  I was on the verge of tears. A realization13)dawned on me that he was the best gift I had ever gotten even though he was not as normal as other children. And why did I hide him from others as if he were some dark and terrible secret? No! He was my pride. It was a long, hard battle to get him to this point, expressing his wants and needs without resorting to violence in frustration. In fact, each new day brings out a new set of challenges and we have learned a lot about fighting this thing called autism. With love and patience I have found the beautiful, happy boy who would teach me more about life.
  And that is the solution to my cosmic riddle.

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