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            What Can College Students Do to Welcome the 2008 Olympics?
1. 北京申奥成功。
2. 申奥成功给人们带来的启示。
3. 在校大学生应如何准备迎接2008年奥运会。
    When learning that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, China, every Chinese is excited. But after that exciting moment and the ardent celebrations, all are calm to think what we can do for the Olympics, especially the college students, who will be in all walks of life in a few years.
    As we know from the government officials, the weak point of Beijing lies not in the physical parts, such as roads, stadiums, or the environment, but in the cultural parts--persons. It means each one must enrich his or her knowledge and improve the behavior to be really civilized. First, language is of the utmost importance. It is the basictool we use to communicate with foreign visitors. So students should at least grasp one foreign language. And then we need more information about our home and other countries, which will help us to have harmonious talks with our foreign guests.