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体验莎士比亚时期的戏剧 Theater Experience in Shakespeare's Lifetime

  To really understand Shakespeare, you need to see his plays live on stage and explore the theater experience during Shakespeare's lifetime. It's a sad fact that today we normally study Shakespeare's plays out of a book, but it's important to remember that the Bard wasn't writing for today's literary[文学的] audience; he was writing for the masses, many of whom couldn't read or write.
  Exploring the theater experience during Shakespeare's lifetime gives you a fuller understanding of his plays.
体验莎士比亚时期的戏剧 Theater Experience in Shakespeare's Lifetime  The experience of visiting a theater and watching a play was very different in Shakespeare's time. You were not expected to be still and silent throughout the performance like you are today. Rather, it was the modern equivalent[相等物] of going to see a popular band.

  Major Differences:
  The audience would eat, drink and talk throughout the performance.
  Theaters were open air and used natural light.
  Plays were performed in the afternoon in the daylight.
  Women never performed and the female characters were often played by boys.
  Plays used very little scenery[舞台布景], instead using language to set the scene.
  Top Ten Most Important Plays (in chronological[按年代顺序排列的] order):
  Romeo and Juliet (1594-1595)
  A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595-1596)
  Much Ado About Nothing (1598-1599)
  Henry V (1598-1599)
  Twelfth Night (1599-1600)
  Hamlet (1600-1601)
  Measure for Measure (1604-1605)
  King Lear (1605-1606)
  Macbeth (1605-1606)
  The Tempest (1611-1612)
