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会说话的驴 Talking Donkeys


  This is a list recognizing the greatest talking donkeys from books, movies and television. Some of the donkeys on this list are special because they were never expected to talk (like any normal donkey), and it is either magical or miraculous that they did. Others simply live in a world where all animals can talk, and they are noteworthy for other reasons. At all events, the two things each entry has in common are they all talk, and they all are donkeys. So with that, here are your top eight:

  1. The Ass1) in the Lion's Skin
  1. 披着狮皮的驴

披着狮皮的驴 The Ass in the Lion's Skin   The Ass in the Lion's Skin is a fable attributed to2) the Greek slave, Aesop3). The story is about an ass that dresses in the skin of a lion so that he can go around scaring the other animals. His trick works until he tries to talk to a fox, who, upon hearing him bray4) instantly realizes that he's not a lion but, in fact, an ass dressed in the lion's skin. The moral of the story is that you can never tell a fool by the way they dress, but you always can tell once they open their mouth. So true!

  The donkey in the fable was directly alluded5) to in the book The Last Battle, the seventh and final book of C.S.Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia, which features the talking donkey, Puzzle. He is tricked by his friend, Shift, into retrieving a lion's skin, dressing himself in it, and then using it as a disguise for Aslan the Lion, in a ploy6) to gain control over the world.

  2. Benjamin
  2. 本杰明

  Animal Farm (1945), by George Orwell, is an allegorical7) novel about a group of farm animals (mostly pigs). There's a talking donkey named Benjamin. Donkeys are known for their stubbornness, and Benjamin stubbornly refuses to become enthusiastic about the rebellion. While all of his comrades delight in the prospect of a new, animal-governed world, Benjamin only remarks, "Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey."

  3. Nestor
  3. 内斯特

内斯特 Nestor  For anyone who hasn't seen this show, it's basically a mash-up8) of Dumbo9) and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer10). Nestor is a gray, stop-motion11), Christmas donkey with freakishly12) long ears who is rejected by all the other donkeys. After his mother is killed (okay, there's a little Bambi13) in there too) he wanders to Israel and finds Joseph and Mary14), whom he helps travel to Bethlehem15) where Baby Jesus is born. The narrator of the story is a talking donkey named Spieltoe, and is mildly amusing. "You never knew Santa Claus had a donkey?" he asks with a drawl16), "who do you think pulls his snow plow?"

  4. Leroy
  4. 勒罗伊

勒罗伊 Leroy The Muppet Musicians of Bremen  From the movie The Muppet Musicians of Bremen, Leroy is a talking donkey who, more impressively, plays the tuba17) in a traveling band of animals who escape their abusive18), criminal owners and embark on19) a quest for freedom. The movie is an adaptation of the German folktale, The Town Musicians of Bremen, first recorded by the Brothers Grimm20). The Muppet version is set in the rural bayou21) of Louisiana, and the music is New Orleans-style jazz.

  5. Baba Looey
  5. 巴巴鲁尼

巴巴鲁尼 Baba Looey   There's nothing cuter than a short cartoon burro22) with a sombrero23) and a thick Mexican accent. Baba Looey enters from the wild west themed Quick Draw McGraw Show. When Baba Looey says "Quick Draw", it sounds like "Quick Straw". Now that's adorable.

  But in all seriousness, Baba Looey really is the best sidekick24). In that regard, he is a very close reincarnation25) of the Miguel de Cervantes26) character, Sancho Panza27), who actually rides a donkey in the Spanish masterpiece Don Quixote de la Mancha28).

  6. Eeyore
  6. 屹耳

屹耳 Eeyore  Originally created by the British author A.A.Milne for the Winnie-the-Pooh29) books, Eeyore has reappeared in several Disney movies and television shows. At the time this list was composed, Eeyore had over 241,000 fans on Facebook—85,500 more than the Pooh Bear himself. Eeyore has dangerously low self-esteem, zero self-worth and severely despondent30) attitude. God bless Eeyore!
  屹耳最初是英国作家A.A.米尔恩在《小熊维尼》一书中塑造的形象,后来出现在一些迪士尼的电影和电视节目中。截至本文撰写之时,屹耳在Facebook (译者注:美国社交网站)上已有241,000名粉丝——比小熊维尼还多85,500人。屹耳的自尊心极低,自我价值感为零,态度也极为消极。愿上帝保佑屹耳。

  7. Donkey from Shrek
  7. 《怪物史莱克》中的驴子

《怪物史莱克》中的驴子 Donkey from Shrek   He's positive, sensitive, talkative, and his favorite food is waffles31). Yes, the one and only donkey from the Shrek tetralogy32) hardly needs any further explanation. Donkey, voiced by Eddie Murphy33), possibly is the only donkey falling in love with a dragon. It is said that, in Britain, raising donkeys has become popular as people love Donkey from Shrek!

  8. Bottom

波顿 William Shakespeare  William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is a timeless wonder. And it all starts with Bottom. After all, it's Bottom who dreams the dream, or as he calls it, the "most rare vision". A resident Athenian and weaver by vocation, Bottom is transformed from a human being to an ass by the sprite34). In most performances he is given an ass's head or ears, only, and any high school teacher could tell you the most important role in any Shakespeare comedy is the fool.

  1. ass [æs] n. 驴
  2. attribute to: 归因于;认为是……所为
  3. Aesop: 伊索,约公元前6世纪古希腊的寓言作家,相传原为奴隶,善讲寓言故事,讽刺权贵。这些故事经后人汇编成为现在流传的《伊索寓言》。
  4. bray [breɪ] vi. (驴)叫
  5. allude [əˈluːd] vi. 暗指,影射;提及(to)
  6. ploy [plɔɪ] n. <口> (在比赛、谈话等场合用以制胜的)计策,手段
  7. allegorical [ˌæləˈɡɒrɪk(ə)l] adj. 寓言的;讽喻的
  8. mash-up [ˈmæʃˌʌp] n. 糅合
  9. Dumbo: 小飞象,迪士尼公司于1941年出品的动画片《小飞象》的主角,是马戏团的一头小象,因为长着一对超大号的耳朵而被大家嘲笑。
  10. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer: 红鼻驯鹿鲁道夫。给圣诞老人拉雪橇的驯鹿有九只,领头的那只叫鲁道夫,他有个红鼻子,遇到大雾天气,他的鼻子会亮起来以指明道路。
  11. stop-motion [ˈstɒpˈməʊʃ(ə)n] adj. 定格动画的。定格动画是指逐格地拍摄然后连续放映,其人物通常是由粘土等材料制作的。
  12. freakishly [ˈfriːkɪʃli] adv. 奇特地;古怪地;怪异地
  13. Bambi: 小鹿斑比,迪士尼公司于1942年推出的动画电影《小鹿斑比》的主角,他的妈妈在他小时候被猎人所杀。
  14. Joseph and Mary: 约瑟和马利亚。耶稣基督是童女马利亚所生,约瑟是马利亚的丈夫。
  15. Bethlehem: 伯利恒,西南亚巴勒斯坦地区著名古城,犹太教、基督教圣地,在约旦河西岸,是耶稣诞生地。
  16. drawl [drɔːl] n. 慢吞吞拉长调子的说话方式
  17. tuba [ˈtjuːbə] n.【音】大号
  18. abusive [əˈbjuːsɪv] adj. 虐待的
  19. embark on: 从事,着手
  20. the Brothers Grimm: 格林兄弟,德国童话作家,兄弟两人编著有《格林童话》。
  21. bayou [ˈbaɪuː] n. 支流
  22. burro [ˈbʊrəʊ] n. (美国西南部用来驮货的)小驴
  23. sombrero [sɒmˈbreərəʊ] n. (在美国西南部、墨西哥和西班牙流行的)阔边帽
  24. sidekick [ˈsaɪdˌkɪk] n. 伙伴
  25. reincarnation [ˌriːɪnkɑː(r)ˈneɪʃ(ə)n] n. 再生化身;重新体现
  26. Miguel de Cervantes: 米格尔·德·塞万提斯(1547 ~ 1616),西班牙小说家、诗人、剧作家,著有《堂吉诃德》。
  27. Sancho Panza: 桑丘·潘扎,小说《堂吉诃德》中的人物,堂吉诃德的侍者。
  28. Don Quixote de la Mancha:《堂吉诃德》,被认为是文学史上第一部现代小说,描写和讽刺了当时在西班牙社会中十分流行的骑士小说,并揭示出社会的黑暗和人民的困苦。
  29. Winnie-the-Pooh:《小熊维尼》,动漫作品,首次出现在1925年12月24日的《伦敦晚报》上,其主角维尼是一只穿着红色上衣的黄色小熊,很贪吃,尤其爱吃蜂蜜。
  30. despondent [dɪˈspɒndənt] adj. 沮丧的,泄气的
  31. waffle [ˈwɒf(ə)l] n. 华夫饼干,是一种烤饼,源于比利时,表面有格子花样。人们常在华夫饼干上涂抹黄油和糖浆然后趁热吃。
  32. tetralogy: (戏剧、小说等的)四部曲
  33. Eddie Murphy: 埃迪·墨菲(1961 ~ ),美国黑人喜剧演员,代表作有《肥佬教授》等。
  34. sprite [spraɪt] n. 鬼怪;小妖精
