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俚语流行线:非常生气 have a cow

  1 have a cow
  A: When I told my mom I would be home around 2 am, she had a cow!
  B: Duh!
  小编闲语:当别人跟你说“have a cow”的时候,可千万别以为他真的“有一头牛”哦, 实际上,人家正生着气呢!此外“have kittens”也有同样的意思喔!
  2 have a sweet tooth
  I have a sweet tooth. I could eat candy for every meal!
  小编闲语:想必每个女孩子都或多或少地钟爱于甜食吧!向大家透露一下,小编也是一个不折不扣的甜食爱好者呢!爱甜食爱到连牙齿都全部被糖“武装”了呢!“have a sweet tooth”这个短语听起来是不是十分生动呢?
  3 My hands are tied.
  A: Mr. Chapman, can I hand in my homework next time.? I left it at home.
  B: All of the scores must be given to the office by Friday, so you must have your homework done today. It is a school rule and there is nothing I can do. My hands are tied!
  小编闲语:“My hands are tied.” 在这里并不是真正“手被绑起来了”, 而是指“没办法办到”的意思。好比别人要你递东西给他,可你手头一大堆东西要忙,这时你就可以说:“I’m sorry, my hands are so tied!”
  4 bite one’s tongue
  Our new client is so arrogant and insulting. I have to bite my tongue around her.
  小编闲语:在现实生活当中,我们不可避免地会遇人不淑,甚至陷入被侮辱的境地,但为了“识大体,顾大局”,我们最好还是“忍气吞声”,以免引发不必要的争吵。这个时候就可以用“bite one’s tongue”这个短语描述自己的处境了。
  A: What’s eating you? You’ve been so quiet all morning.
  B: I bombed in my final exam.
  小编闲语:当别人问你“What’s eating you?”的时候,千万别以为他在跟你开玩笑哦,人家其实是看你不太开心,关心你才问的呢!这是个在街头经常可以听到的俚语。
  6in someone’s shoes
  Your rent is due in two weeks! If I were in your shoes, I’d be looking for a job today instead of going to the movies.
  小编闲语:“in someone’s shoes”可不是真的就让你去穿上别人的鞋哦,这里其实是“to be in someone else’s situation”的意思,不过“in someone’s shoes”听起来是不是就更传神呢?