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说到做到 Walk the Walk

乔治·克鲁尼  George Clooney(乔治·克鲁尼),世界上最惹人尖叫的钻石王老五。出生于演员世家的他并没多少少年成名的美好回忆。在出演了一系列反响平平的剧集后,《急诊室的春天》(也译《仁心仁术》)终于让他首尝走红的滋味,然而这时他已经三十出头。在出演了《完美风暴》、《十一罗汉》等一系列影片后,他演而优则导,执导的多部影片既叫好又叫座。事业上的风光丝毫没有减弱他私生活的精彩程度,他的花边新闻终日可见,更换女朋友的频率更是让人瞠目结舌。不过,在主演了环保意味电影《辛瑞那》以及《迈克尔·克莱顿》后,他的环保之路却走得专一而坚决。拍完《辛瑞那》后,他的座驾由宝马换成了一辆名为Tango的油电混合动力车。他还到处宣传环保不仅要“talk the talk”,还要“walk the walk”。

  Walk the Walk 说到做到
  “You just try to do the best you can to walk the walk as much as possible.”
  —Actor George Clooney on not only starring in an environmentalist film, but also living an environmentally responsible lifestyle.
  do what you say; live up to the values you preach
  A lot of things are easier to talk about than to do. For instance, it’s much easier to tell people they ought to get some exercise than it is to actually go for a run every day. If you know someone who does more talking about running than running, you could say, “Hey, man, you talk the talk, but you gotta walk the walk.” An employer could say the same to an employee who says he likes his job but always arrives late and hung over.
  ►You know, I always talk about how important religion is to me, so I should really go to church more often. I talk the talk so I should walk the walk.
  ►My fitness coach only eats raw food and bikes everywhere. He really walks the walk.
