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Hot Words:科技.环境


  Web 2.0 维博2.0
Web 2.0  Meaning: a second phase in the evolution of the World Wide Web where developers use new technologies to create websites that look and act like desktop programs and encourage collaboration and communication between users.
   近日,全球语言检测机构(The Global Language Monitor)称“Web 2.0”是第100万个英语词汇。谁也没想到,“Web 2.0”最初只是一个技术性词汇,意指下一代网络产品和服务,但在最近其使用范围不断扩大,得到了广泛的认可。现在“Web 2.0”是相对Web1.0的新的一类互联网应用的统称,而由Web1.0单纯通过网络浏览器浏览html网页模式向内容更丰富、联系性更强、工具性更强的Web2.0互联网模式的发展已经成为互联网新的发展趋势。
   The concept of “Web 2.0” began with a conference brainstorming session between O’Reilly Media and MediaLive International. “维博2.0”这个概念是在奥莱理和国际飙媒体的头脑风暴会议中首先提出。
   More and more computer brands provide their customers with Web 2.0 function. 越来越多的电脑品牌为顾客提供维博2.0功能。
  Space Headache 太空头痛
Space Headache  Meaning: a debilitating[使人衰弱的] headache experienced by astronauts[宇航员] during space travel.
  当你在电视屏幕上看到宇航员在太空漫游时,或许你会产生羡慕之情。可是你知道宇航员要面对不少职业风险,而太空头痛(space headache)就是其中之一,它是指宇航员在前往国际空间站过程中产生的头痛现象。研究人员发现,大部分前往国际空间站的宇航员都会产生头痛现象,有些头痛发作在发射期间,有些发生在太空行走时,还有一些则在降落时。
  Researchers advise that astronauts need to add space headache to their list of occupational risks when they decide to take on assignments. 研究人员建议宇航员在决定是否接受任务时要把太空头痛列入一系列职业风险中去考虑。
  Dutch scientists have discovered that a good number of astronauts have suffered space headache. 荷兰科学家发现不少宇航员都受到太空头痛的困扰。
  Carbon Neutral 碳中和
Carbon Neutral  Meaning: emitting no net carbon
  dioxide[二氧化碳]into the atmosphere.
  全球变暖与二氧化碳排放有着密切的关系,因此碳中和(carbon neutral)一词便应运而生了。这是一个新出现的气候变化领域的词汇,指计算二氧化碳的排放总量,然后透过植物等方式把这些排放量吸收掉,以达到环保的目的。另外,几个与碳有关的新词,如低碳(low carbon),零碳(zero carbon)也逐渐被公众接受。
  A plant is said to be carbon neutral if the carbon dioxide that it absorbs while alive is the same as the carbon dioxide it emits when burned as a fuel. 据说如果植物在生长时所吸收的二氧化碳量等同于该植物被作为燃料燃烧时所释放的二氧化碳量时,那么这株植物就是碳中和了。
  Mr. Darcy naively believed that he was carbon neutral as long as he turned the yard into a thick wood. 达西先生很天真地相信只要他把院子变成浓密的树林,他便可以达到碳中和了。
  Third Screen 第三屏幕
  Meaning: a video screen, particularly the screen on a cell phone, that a person uses almost as often as their television and computer screens.
  第三屏幕(third screen)现在已不是什么新鲜事了。按照科技发展的顺序,电视机是我们的第一屏幕,电脑是第二屏幕。如今发展到可以播放视频的移动电话便是第三屏幕(third screen)。当然,日新月异的科技还将会带给我们第四、第五、第六甚至更多种方便快捷的“屏幕”。让我们拭目以
  Like Starbuck’s relentless attempts to sell itself as the “third place”, the wireless industry is trying to sell itself as the “third screen.” 就如星巴克不断努力地把自己的咖啡店塑造成“第三场所”那样,无线通讯业也在尝试把自己打造成“第三屏幕”。
   Billy is fixing his eyes on his third screen without hearing his mother’s warning. 比利目不转睛地盯在他的第三屏幕上,没有在意他妈妈的警告。
