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苹果DNA揭秘 Apple DNA unlocks Secrets

  语音:英式发音 适合精听


  关键词:apple, DNA, secrets, cultivars

  New Zealand researchers working with a team from four other countries have mapped the apple’s DNA and unlocked surprising secrets from 60 million years ago.

苹果DNA揭秘 Apple DNA unlocks Secrets  They say the same event that killed the 1)dinosaurs transformed the apple into the tasty fruit we know today.

  Andy Allen (Associate Professor of Plant Cell Biology): There’s twice as many 2)genes in there that we thought. Twice as many as the human has actually.

  What they’ve found is that the apple is a survivor.

  Roger Hellens (Plant & Food Geneticist): It seems to be linked to about the time the 3)meteor hit the earth, about the Cretaceous-Tertiary 4)boundary, when all the dinosaur 5)died out.

  While dinosaurs and other species were being 6)wiped out, the apple rallied in western Asia. It needed to make itself more attractive to animals like bears to 7)disperse its seeds. So it doubled its genes which, in turn, made it much fleshier.

  Now, 60 million years later, the evolutionary cycle of the apple is being guided by scientists—with tasty results.

  Knowing the apple’s complete DNA 8)sequence does have a practical application, scientists can identify the genes for taste, 9)texture, colour and crispness.

  They can then screen thousands of apple seedlings and pick a variety that consumers like best—all without waiting 10 years for each tree to reach 10)maturity.

  Allen: Having the knowledge of all the genes that are in apple is going to make breeding new varieties, understanding the varieties we have now and how to manage them. So it’s all about new 11)cultivars, innovation.

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