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“慢生活”提案 Slow Food, Slow Life

  生命不应该是这样一个过程,它应该是一段细腻的、灵动的、充满感动和未知的旅程。于是我们是否应该慢下来,跟着“慢食运动”领袖人物Alice Waters品尝四季美食?是否应该走走停停,用心去感受你所走过的每一寸风景?是否我们也能从一段文字、一首歌曲中得到最大的共鸣与满足?

Slow Food

发音:美式发音 语速:160词/分钟 使用方法:泛听+一分钟演讲
Slow Life  When it comes to food, Alice Waters is a legend. At 65, she has done more to change how we Americans eat, cook and think about food than anyone since Julia Child[注1].
  Alice Waters was only 27 years old in 1971 when she opened her French 1)bistro Chez Panisse[注2] in Berkeley, California, today considered one of the finest restaurants not just in the United States but in the world. Waters has produced eight cookbooks, but she’s more famous as the mother of a movement that 2)preaches about fresh food grown in a way that’s good for the environment. The movement, now called “slow food”, is a healthy alternative to “fast food”.
  It all started here at Alice’s temple, Chez Panisse in Berkeley, California. She still shows up almost every day, as she has for the last 37 years, to 3)oversee the cooking with her 4)exquisite, 5)infallible taste buds.
  It’s not just the cooking that has made her famous—it’s the ingredients. She was one of the first to serve 6)antibiotic and 7)hormone free meats and insist on fresh, 8)organic, locally-grown fruits and vegetables.
  Alice Waters in the kitchen: This(tomato) has beautiful flavor and I just love the way it looks.
  Reporter: You started a revolution in food. How we think about food. How we cook food. But do you think of yourself as a revolutionary?
  Waters: I guess I do now, but when I started Chez Panisse, I wasn’t thinking of a 9)philosophy about organic and sustainable. I just was looking for flavor.
  Flavor, that comes from serving only seasonal food, one of her 10)hallmarks. Say “frozen”, and Alice Waters 11)shudders. Because all her food has to be fresh, she buys only from local 12)ranchers, fishermen and farmers.
  People who meet Alice Waters are struck by how gentle and dreamy she seems to be, and they wonder how someone like that became so successful. Truth is, Alice Waters is a 13)steamroller, 14)relentlessly going after what she wants. And now she wants everyone to cook the way she does. And that’s put her in the spotlight
  Waters at an event: People have become aware that the way that we’ve been eating is making us sick.

  1971年,年仅27岁的艾利斯·华特斯在加利福尼亚州伯克利开了她的法国餐厅Chez Panisse,今天,这家餐厅是美国乃至全球都公认的最好的餐厅之一。华特斯还出版了八本餐饮书籍,但她最为人知的身份是那场倡导食物的新鲜和就地取材的运动的创始人。这场如今被称为“慢食主义”的运动,成为“速食主义”外的另一个健康选择。
  这一切都起源于这里,位于加利福尼亚州伯克利市、由艾利斯一手创办的饮食天堂Chez Panisse。与过去37年间一样,她依然每天出现在这里,用她那细腻、精准的味蕾来检视餐厅的出品。
  华特斯:我想我现在的确是这么想的。但在我开办Chez Panisse餐厅的时候,我并没有想及这个有机及可持续发展的食物哲学。我当时只是在寻找一种味觉享受。

  She has become the leader of a movement to change how we eat. And she’s getting 15)traction. Now you can go to your neighborhood grocery store, even Wal-Mart, and buy organic. But in the process, she’s become a target.
  Reporter: People say Alice Waters is 16)self-righteous and 17)elitist. And these are words I’ve heard over and over.
  Waters: I feel that good food should be a right and not a privilege and it needs to be without 18)pesticides and 19)herbicides. And everybody deserves this food. That’s not elitist.
  Even as a little girl, Alice said she had a keen sense of taste. But what turned her into a cook was going to France in 1965 and eating simple, healthy country food. She had her 20)epiphany. Back at Berkeley, she was an activist involved in movements: anti-war, free speech, women’s rights. But what she really loved was cooking, and feeding her friends. And she still does.
  One day last August, she took us to a Mexican food 21)stall in San Francisco where friends of hers were making slow food to go with organic corn and lots of spices.
  Reporter: You didn’t tell me there was a bite. My eyes are watering.
  Waters: And you have to have a taste, too.
  You realize two things when you travel around with Alice Waters: one is that deep down she loves it when people eat, and you can’t resist her.
  Newsom: How can you not love Alice Waters?
  Gavin Newsom, a Waters 22)disciple, is the Mayor of San Francisco.
  Newsom: She has, I think, done more to change our eating habits for the better than anyone in the United States of America.
  Reporter: 23)Obesity, huge issue now…
  Newsom: Yeah. We consume 24)lousy food. This is killing us. I mean it really is. We have a drinking and eating problem in this country, not just in San Francisco. And this whole movement to me is the 25)antidote for that.
  Alice talked Newsom into letting her organize a “slow food” festival outside City Hall last September. Growing the slow food movement is one of her passions: she was 26)ecstatic that 85,000 people showed up.
  She walked us through the taste 27)pavilions, introducing us to her 28)acolytes: organic cheese merchants and bakers.
  Waters: So nice that you came. Ah, it’s beautiful.
  The centerpiece of the event was this—a 29)sprawling, urban victory garden.
  Reporter: So this is a real vegetable garden in front of City Hall.
  Waters: The ultimate symbolism.
  The garden, Alice’s idea, was planted to encourage people to grow their own.
  Waters: This is all the kale. And there’s a little variety of… broccoli.
  Reporter: Broccoli?
  Waters: Broccoli.
  She brought us over to one of her favorite local farmers, John Lagier, who uses only eco-friendly, or as Alice would say, “sustainable” methods. That day he was showing off his specialty grapes.
  Lagier: It’s called Bronx seedless.
  Reporter: Are these more expensive?
  Lagier: I have these priced at $4 a pound.
  There’s the rub. A common complaint about organic food—it’s expensive.
  Waters: We make decisions everyday about what we’re going to eat. And some people want to buy Nike shoes—two pairs, and other people want to eat Bronx grapes, and nourish themselves. I pay a little extra, but this is what I want to do.

  注2:位于加州的Chez Panisse餐厅闻名遐迩,更可谓是加州料理的发源地。店名中的Panisse取自法国导演Marcel Pagnol所导影片《Marius》、《Fanny》和《Cesar》中故事人物的名字。Alice Waters希望她一手创办的餐厅能像影片中Panisse的家一样温暖迷人,因此为餐厅取名Chez Panisse。
