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Small Talk 闲聊、寒暄

  在我们眼里,明星都应该是天生的“交际花”。谁会想到米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)居然会说,small talk对她来说太难了。出生于乌克兰的米拉不仅是一名模特,同时也是一个颇有造诣的歌星和演员。她的首张专辑《The Divine Comedy》就曾广受好评。她的演艺生涯同样可圈可点,其中最引人注目的就是在吕克·贝松导演的《第五元素》中担任女主角,而后在《生化危机》系列电影中也有不俗的表现。呃,其实,小编也深深以为,会“闲聊”非常地重要。特别是对于那些目前正处单身状态的青年男女,要想告别单身,就得学会“闲聊”哦,因为It’s easier to meet girls(boys) if you’re good at small talk.

  Small Talk 闲聊、寒暄
  “It’s always a little more difficult for me to do the small talk, because I’m not into it.”
  -Milla Jovovich, model, actress and singer, talking about being social
  Conversation without real meaning; conversation without any particular purpose; conversation about general subjects; conversation one starts with unfamiliar people in order to be more involved; conversation used to make friends with new people; conversation used to make the atmosphere better.
  “Small talk” most often occurs in social situations, such as parties or special events. People who don’t know each other often use “small talk” to start conversations. For example, if you’re at a party and you don’t know anyone, you might ask somebody about the weather because everyone knows something about the weather. It would be a good way to start a conversation. Talking about the weather is “small talk.” Hopefully, your conversation about the weather would lead to a longer conversation about more important topics.
  ◆ I don’t like going to parties because I can’t stand small talk. I’m just not good at it. I’d rather talk to my friends about things that mean something to me.
  ◆ Jeff meets a lot of people because he’s really good at small talk. He can start a conversation with anyone. People really like him because he makes them feel comfortable.
