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  常见的案例面试题涉及利润下降(profit decline)、市场进入(market entry)、行业分析(industry analysis)等商业问题。在这类案例面试题中,主考官会给出一个案例背景,然后问应聘者应如何分析和解决这个问题。主考官一般不会提供很具体的信息,应聘者需要不断地提出有针对性的问题来获取更多的有用信息。以下列举一些常见的案例面试题:
  1. 利润下降
  ① You are consulting for an international power tool company which has been losing money for a couple of months. What could be causing this?
  ② Your client is a major pharmacy (药房) chain. Every year they make more sales, and every year they lose more money. They are considering closing some of their pharmacies. Should they implement this strategy?
  ③ An airline finds that, while its revenues are high, the company is still operating at a loss. What is going on?
  2. 市场进入
  ① You are consulting for a company whose major business is in Western Europe. They are considering an expansion into China. What is your advice?
  ② You are consulting for a major distributor of canned beans in North America. They are considering an expansion into the Southeast Asian market. What would you recommend?
  ③ The company is facing a situation in which there is a need for a product change—dropping the product or selling it to a completely different market. You are required to analyze the case.
  3. 行业分析
  ① You are consulting for a small manufacturer of motorcycles. They are well reputed for having the best quality products on the market. A large multinational competitor has announced that it will begin selling top-end (高端) motorcycles incorporating the latest engine technology. What should your client do?
  ② You are consulting for one of the largest supermarket chains in the country. This chain is considering opening its own bank branches in its supermarket locations. What is your advice?
  ③ Your client is a small regional bank in the U.S. They are considering closing more and more of their branch locations, and diverting their resources to telephone and internet banking facilities. Should they implement this strategy?
  ① How many washing machines were sold in China last year?
  ② How many newsstands are there in New York City?
  ③ How many new apartment buildings were built in Singapore last year?

  ① Peter’s mother has three children. One is named April, and the second is named May. What is the third one named?
  ② What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it?
  ③ Two men apply for a job. They are identical. They have the same mother, father and birthday. The interviewer asks, “Are you twins?” They honestly reply, “No.” Why?
  ④ You are given eight coins and told that one of them is counterfeit (赝品). The counterfeit one is slightly heavier than the other seven. Otherwise, the coins look identical. Can you determine which coin is counterfeit by using a balance scale only twice?
  ⑤ I am the owner of a pet store. If I put in one canary (金丝雀) per cage, I have one bird too many. If I put in two canaries per cage, I have one cage too many. How many cages and canaries do I have?
  ⑥ By moving one of the following digits, make the equation correct: 62 – 63 = 1. Which digit should you move?
  1. 认真倾听并剖析案例
  2. 采用分析工具构建答题思路
  在构思的过程中,应聘者可以采用一些常用的分析工具或框架来为自己提供一个分析问题的基本思路。应聘者可以采用营销学中的4Ps (Product、Price、Promotion、Place)理论来分析为什么产品销量会下降或增长;也可以从收益(Revenues)和成本(Costs)的角度来分析利润增长或下降的原因,以及某产品是否可以进入某个市场;还可以从3Cs (Competitor、Customer、Channel)的角度进行行业分析。以下面这个商务案例面试问题为例:“You are consulting for an international power tool company which has been losing money for a couple of months. What could be causing this?”应聘者可以采取如下的思路进行分析:①从收益和成本的角度分析,了解利润下降是销售额下降造成的,还是成本上升造成的。②如果是销售额下降造成的,可以从4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion, Place)的角度进行分析:是产品质量有问题,还是价格过高?是促销有问题,还是分销渠道有问题?③如果是成本上升造成的,要分析是固定成本还是可变成本过高:如果是固定成本过高,可以考虑关闭一些生产线、厂房等;如果是可变成本过高,则要分析是原材料的价格过高还是员工的工资过高等因素造成的。
  3. 转换自己的角色
  应聘者在案例面试中要敢于把自己看成是一位专业的咨询人员,这样不仅能更好地和主考官进行交流和互动,而且也能给主考官留下更深的印象。应聘者可以多使用一些咨询师和客户沟通时常用的语句,例如:“After evaluating the case, I think we could approach it using the following structure.”或“After analyzing the case, I think the reasons are A, B and C, and I think we could examine them using the following framework.”
  4. 和主考官互动
  在完成基本构思后,应聘者首先应把整个思路和分析框架写在纸上,然后向主考官说明自己的分析思路。应聘者甚至还可以一边思考,一边把自己的分析角度、方法和原因告诉主考官。这样便于主考官了解应聘者是否能够快速、准确并有逻辑性地思考和解决问题。如果应聘者分析的方向有误,主考官往往会提醒应聘者换位思考。例如,主考官可能会说:“Do you think it’s necessary to consider this reason? Are there any other reasons?”听到这些提醒时,应聘者应考虑调整分析的方向。此外,在整个面试中,应聘者应当不断地向主考官提问以获取更多的信息。应聘者不要害怕“麻烦”主考官,不要害怕问错问题,也不要担心多提问题会给主考官留下知识贫乏的印象。总之,在整个面试过程中,包括构建答题的思路和框架、逐个分析框架中的每个因素、提供解决问题的方案等,应聘者都应该和主考官充分互动讨论来完成整个面试。
  5. 总结汇报
  ① Peter② mailbox
  ③ Because they were triplets (三胞胎).
  ④ First weigh three coins against three others. If the weights are equal, weigh the remaining two against each other. The heavier one is the counterfeit. If one of the groups of three is heavier, weigh two of those coins against each other. If one is heavier, it’s the counterfeit. If they have equal weight, the third coin is the counterfeit.
  ⑤ Let b be the number of birds and c be the number of cages. The problem gives us two equations, which we can merge together to solve for c: b=c+1; c=b/2+1. Now we discover that b equals 4. So there are four canaries and three cages.
  ⑥ 26 – 63 = 1 (In other words, 26 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, which equals 64.)
