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深造的决定 An Educated Decision

深造  在一些发达国家,不少人将“学习”当成自己生活中重要的一部分,因此大学毕业后,他们又会将目标转移到感兴趣的其他专业或者在本专业继续深造。与此同时,也有不少人在工作多年后,发现自己需要“充电”,于是便重拾课本。在我国,后者又分为“脱产型”和“在职型”。“脱产型”指的是暂时放弃工作、全日制学习;“在职型”则是一边工作,一边利用业余时间学习,这样既圆了深造的梦想,又不耽误赚钱的机会。无论如何,学习是一生的事业,教育是一辈子的投资,亡羊补牢尚未晚矣,更何况我们就身处在这个可能随时随地都需要“充电”的时代呢?


发音:美式发音+澳式发音 语速:170词/分钟 使用方法:精听+角色扮演
  Mr. Jacobs: So, ①without further 1)ado, it gives me great pleasure to 2)present this Employee of the Year award to someone who has been a core member of our team since her very first day, a 3)pillar of strength, and an absolute delight to have around—you all know who I’m talking about. Stephanie, come on up.
  Stephanie: Oh my, what an honour. I really was not expecting this at all. Well, first of all, I have to be honest and say ②my time with B&Z has been a 4)roller coaster ride of emotions. There have been some lows, I’m sure we can all agree on that, but there have also been some really rewarding highs. And I’m so happy to have shared these moments with all of you. I think the main reasons we all work so well together, and ③the reason I always give it my all, is because we all
  5)genuinely care about each other and we want to go that extra mile. But, while I am so grateful for this award, there is some unfortunate news I have to 6)deliver. ④It is with great regret that I announce I will be leaving B&Z to further my education. I have been accepted to a Masters program at Harvard, and the opportunity is something I just can’t 7)turn down. Once again, thank you all for your co-operation and friendship. I hope we can stay in touch, and I’ll see you all soon.

  Smart Sentences
  ① without further ado 不再嗦了
  without further ado: do sth. at once and do not discuss or delay it any longer(没有再费周折; 干脆痛快)。例如:
  Now, without further ado, let me introduce our new colleague, Mr. Ovington.
  ② My time with B&Z has been a roller coaster ride of
  emotions. 在B&Z,我经历了许多跌宕起伏的日子。
  a roller coaster ride of emotions: emotion that goes through many sudden or extreme changes in a short time(情绪在短时间内大起大落)。例如:
  Oliver has been on a roller coaster ride of emotions since he won the lottery.
  ③ The reason I always give it my all, is because we all genuinely care about each other and want to go that extra mile. 我总能全力以赴的主要原因是我们都坦诚相待,都想要尽一切努力做到最好。
  give it one’s all: make the maximum effort possible(尽最大努力)。例如:
  Whenever my brother takes on a project, he always gives it his all.
  go the extra mile: willing to make a special effort to do or achieve sth.(以额外的付出或努力来完成某事)。例如:
  Parents will always go the extra mile for their children.
  ④ It is with great regret that I announce I will be leaving B&Z to further my education. 非常遗憾,我将要离开B&Z去继续深造。
  it is with great regret: expression used before saying sth. unpleasant(在说不愉快事情时的婉转表达)。例如:
  It is with great regret that our department has to downsize to three people.
