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史瓦辛格 Address on Global Climate Change 关于全球气候变暖的讲话(节选)


Address on Global Climate Change    关于全球气候变暖的讲话(节选)
By Arnold Schwarzenegger  阿诺 施瓦辛格

        [1] The time has come to stoplooking back at the Kyoto Protocol .The time has come to stop looking back in blame or suspicion .The consequences of global climatechange are so pressing __that it doesn't matter who was responsible for the past .What matters is who is answerable for the future . And that means all of us . 
        [1] 如今,我们不该再回顾《京都议定书》,不该再停留在责怪或猜疑之中。全球气候变公所产生的后果是如此地紧迫——以至于谁该为过去负责已经不再重要。重要的是谁能为未来负责。而这意味着我们所有人的责任。

        [2]The rich nations and the poor nations have different responsibilities ,but one responsibility we all have __and that is action .Action ,action ,action.The current stalemate between the developed and the developing worlds must be broken .It is time to come together in a new international agreement that can be embraced by rich and poor nations alike .California is moving the United States beyond debate and doubt to action .So I urge this body to push its members to action also. 

        [3] Ladies and gentlemen ,in closing ,let me just say this :Do not lose hope .I do not believe that doom and gloom and disaster are the only outcomes .Humanity is  smart ,and nature is amazinglyregenerative .I believe that we can renew the climate of this planet .I believe this 100 percent .So I  pledge to you ,the members ofthe United Nations , that we in California will work with all ourheart to this end for which we all long .
        [3] 女士们,先生们,最后,我只想说:不要放弃希望。我绝不希望毁灭、悲伤和灾难会是唯一的结果。人类是充满智慧的,大自然具有惊人的可再生能力。我相信我们可以使地球的气候恢复正常,对此我有百分之百的信心。因此。联合国的各成员国,我向你们保证,我们加利福利亚的公民将会尽心尽力地为我们共同向往的目标奋斗到底。

        [4]Thank you very much .Thank you .


