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城市街头的搞怪“IE”人 Improv Everywhere Pranks the City(2)

  They have included “11)Best Buy”, which involved 80 people wearing blue polo shirts and 12)khaki pants and walking into Best Buy, confusing both workers and customers. Other missions included a subway art gallery, 13)synchronized swimming in the fountain in Washington Square Park, a spontaneous musical in a 14)food court and over 2,000 people walking invisible dogs.
  Some of their missions became annual events. For the “mp3 Experiment”, Agent Tyler Walker and Todd put a 45-minute-long mp3 online for agents to download. They are instructed not to listen to it until the time of the mission. The mp3 is 15)narrated by Steve, The 16)Omnipotent Voice From Above, who gives the participants ridiculous instructions to follow. Each person is listening to them on their headphones so 17)bystanders don't hear, but see the result. The number of volunteers grew from under 200 to over 2,000.
  Every January, Improv Everywhere does a “No Pants! Subway Ride”, where agents literally go onto the subway without pants on. This started with seven male participants in 2002 and has grown to 1,200 participants in New York and over 1,000 more in 21 other cities around the world. Although it is not illegal to wear your underwear in public, they have encountered 18)issues with the police along the way. In 2007, a cop 19)handcuffed eight agents and took them into 20)custody.

  Improv Everywhere caught attention in the media. They do not have official branches, but have set up “The Urban Prankster Network” as a place for people interested in having Improv Everywhere-style missions in their own cities to start a network group. Now there are groups all over the country and even the globe on the network.
  Most of the core people of Improv Everywhere met at the Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB), an improv school and theater in NYC. Todd is a comedian and teaches and performs at UCB and Scodelis is a writer for UCB. Over the years, many people have volunteered to participate in the large missions. In fact no experience is required, anyone can volunteer to be an “21)undercover agent” by signing up for their mailing list. For ten years now, Improv Everywhere has been bringing people together to make us laugh.
  “We have no clue how people are going to react to us, and that is where the 22)improvisation comes in. Sometimes people misread our URL as ‘Improve Everywhere.' We think that's probably a better name for what we try to do,” Todd said.
  “我们也不知道人们会有什么反应,但这正是即兴精神之所在。有些人把我们的网址写成‘Improve Everywhere'(字面意思是‘改善各处'),我想这个名字可能更能体现我们的初衷,”托德说道。

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