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我赢得了一枚银牌 I Won a Silver Medal(2)


  The main thing I get from training is spending time with Spring and working together as partners. The more time I spend with him, the better we are as a team. I have complete trust and faith in him and hopefully he has the same in me!

  I have great fun with all the other riders and enjoy 11)matching myself against them, and then spending time with them in the evenings and talking all things about horses!
  We help each other as a team and therefore I believe we win and lose together. We took team gold and individual silver and Germany won team silver and individual gold, but I wouldn't 12)swap the medals around for anything. But next year, the aim is to have two gold medals!
  My 13)ultimate dream is to be selected for the Great British Olympic team and win double gold. I would like to look back in 20 years time and see lots of medals hanging on the wall!
  I want to work my way up through the various levels of British teams and end up on the senior team, but having fun is the main thing. As long as I can say I have had a great time I will be happy.

  If someone wanted to try eventing, I would say that you have to want to do it and have fun. Winning is what you compete for, but if it's not making you happy or you have something you'd rather be doing, then do that. If it is really what you want, then 14)dedication and training are 15)paramount and you have to keep working hard.
  Being an athlete and wanting to be the best obviously carries certain sacrifices. Most people my age when not at school will be out shopping, going to the cinema or parties, etc. For me, I rarely get the chance to do this, and it's hard to come back from the yard to go on Facebook and see what a great time they have all had.
  However, I have a wonderful life and can't complain too much, it is what I have chosen and want to do.
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  1. 具体而实际的目标更容易实现。做出改变时,往往是设定具体而现实的目标的人更容易成功。“我要回收所有废旧胶袋、汽水罐和杂志”比“我要为环境出一分力”更容易做到。
  2. 将改变变成习惯需要时间。改变也许需要几个月时间才能变成习惯——例如每天早起半小时进行锻炼。那是因为你的大脑需要时间适应新思想。
  3. 反复想一个目标,你就会记住它。每天早晨大声说出你的目标,提醒自己想做什么。(写下来也可以。)每次提醒自己你的目标是什么,就相当于训练大脑让它成为现实。
  4. 不要取悦他人。做出改变的关键是找出你内心的欲望——一定是你自己想这样做,而不是因为你的父母、老师或其他人想你这样做。如果是出于某种责任或是为了别人而做,要坚持下去就会比较困难。
  5. 障碍不等于失败。跌倒其实是学习过程的一部分。要实现一个目标,你也许要多尝试几次,但这没什么大不了的——搞砸或者中途放弃是很正常的事。所以你要记住,每个人都会失败,但别被自己打败了。提醒自己要重新振作就行了。

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