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埃及《亡灵书》:通往永生之旅 The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a Guide to Eternal Life(2)

t if his heart was heavy with sin, it was immediately 15)devoured by a terrible monster, and he was out of luck. He 16)ceased to exist, an unthinkable disaster to an Egyptian.

  Egyptian civilization lasted for a long time, and the Book of the Dead went through 17)revisions. The Pyramid Texts注1 were written during the Old Kingdom, about 2500 to 2000 BC. During that time, only the Pharaoh could live after death, so the writings belonged to him and were written on the inside walls of his pyramid. By the Middle Kingdom, about 2000 to 1500 BC, everyone could 18)attain the afterlife, and the Book of the Dead contained new writing as well as writing from the Pyramid Texts. Not only was it more 19)relevant to ordinary people, they could also buy a copy personalized just for them. During the Late Period, which ended in the fourth century BC, the Book of the Dead was called the Book of Breathings. By this time, Egypt had been conquered by the Greeks and was under many foreign influences.

  One personalized Book of the Dead was made for a 20)scribe named Ani who lived in Thebes about 1240 BC. It was translated by E. A. Wallis Budge注2 in 1895, and is considered a standard in the field of Egyptology. However, Budge cut the 78 foot scroll into 37 sheets of nearly equal size to make it easier to work with. Today the scroll is in the British Museum.

  In Ani's scroll, we learn that his titles were “royal scribe and accountant of the 21)divine offerings of the gods.” Ani's wife was Thuthu, and she was a 22)priestess; she played a musical instrument in the temple. They were wealthy and important people.

  In the papyrus, Ani's journey has a good outcome. Horus, the son of Osiris, speaks up for him, and he's admitted into paradise.

  From their writings, including the Book of the Dead, we can get a sense that the ancient Egyptians were not so different from us. They thought about the meaning of life and about their 23)ultimate destiny. They believed that individuals are 24)accountable for their actions. And, like us, they hoped for peace and happiness in the end.

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