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英语文化中的幸运符 Symbols of Luck in English Customs(2)

harm. For instance, if a fisherman caught himself an old boot instead of fish, it is believed that at the end of the day he would be able to catch and take home a huge amount of fish. In north England for instance, the wives of sailors would usually toss old boots or shoes at the departing ships to ensure their husbands' safe journey. Old boots were also left on the roofs of old houses to fend off evil spirits.


  Back in pagan times, trees were considered as sacred symbol of immortality. Touching the tree was a sign of respect to the gods after a favor has been requested, or thanks to the gods for a request that had been fulfilled. After the English embraced Christianity, the people retained their belief that wood is holy as Christ died on a wooden cross. People at that time wore wooden crucifixes16) and often touched them as a sign of penitence17). Even now, people who are superstitious will try to touch or knock on wood after gloating18), talking bad things about other people, making any rash19) statement of intent or so on, so that the action will get rid of any bad lucks during the day.


硬币  据说硬币尤其是金币会给拥有它们的人带来好运。和在其他任何文化中一样,黄金一直都是财富的象征。在过去,人们会将“幸运”金币做成戒指戴在手上,当做治疗多种疾病的良方。有时候,新娘会把它们(金币)放进一只鞋子里,来祈求婚姻美满。英国人还会将硬币投入水井中,来保佑自己不会被人施予巫术,并且会许一个愿,期望着能够梦想成真。这一切都是因为:过去的人相信在水井、喷泉或者泉水里住着善良的神灵。
  Coins, especially gold coins, were said to bring good fortune to the person who possessed them. Gold, like in any other culture, was always a symbol of wealth. In the past, "lucky" gold coins were turned into rings to be worn as a remedy20) for many types of illness. Sometimes, brides put them in a shoe to ensure a good married life. The English also dropped coins into wells to protect themselves from being bewitched and to make a wish in hope that their dreams would come true. This is due to the fact that people at the time believed there were good spirits who lived in the wells, fountains or springs.

  Four-leaf Clover

四瓣三叶草  Clover is actually a type of wild plant with flowers shaped like cotton balls and usually has three leaves on each stem. In fact it is very rare to find a four-leaf clover. It is believed that to accidentally find a four-leaf clover is a sign of good luck. Moreover, the shape of four-leaf clover resembles the symbol of the crucifix. There is also an English saying "to live in clover" which basically means "to have enough money to be able to live comfortably".

  1. ward off: 避开;挡住;避免
  2. horseshoe [ˈhɔː(r)sˌʃuː] n. 马蹄铁,马掌
  3. crescent [ˈkrez(ə)nt] n. 新月;弦月
  4. fertility [fɜː(r)ˈtɪləti] n. 丰产,多产
  5. as such: 就以这种身份(或资格);如所指的人(或事物)那样
  6. retain [rɪˈteɪn] vt. 保持,保留
  7. evil eye: 邪眼。迷信认为邪眼会让人受伤或倒霉。
  8. hind [haɪnd] adj. 后面的;在后的;后部的
  9. olden [ˈəʊld(ə)n] adj. 古时的,往昔的
  10. miraculous [məˈrækjʊləs] adj. 神奇的;不可思议的;超自然的
  11. pagan [ˈpeɪɡən] adj. 异教徒的
  12. convert [kənˈvɜː(r)t] vt. 使改变信仰;皈依;使改信基督教
  13. archbishop [ɑː(r)tʃˈbɪʃəp] n. 大主教,主教长
  14. charm [tʃɑː(r)m] n. 咒文,符咒;随身护符
  15. wishbone [ˈwɪʃˌbəʊn] n. 叉骨,如愿骨,源自西方习俗:两人食禽肉后同执叉骨一起折断,得较长一端即表示可如愿以偿。
  16. crucifix [ˈkruːsɪfɪks] n. (作为基督教象征的)十字架
  17. penitence [ˈpenɪtəns] n. 悔罪;悔过;忏悔
  18. gloat [ɡləʊt] vi. 心满意足地(或贪婪地、幸灾乐祸地)看(或想、看待)
  19. rash [ræʃ] adj. 仓促作出的;轻率说出的
  20. remedy [ˈremədi] n. 治疗;药品
  21. clover [ˈkləʊvə(r)] n. 【植】三叶草,苜蓿

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