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英国酒吧招牌简史 British Pub Signs - a Short History

  Everyone loves an “Olde Worlde1)” pub with its oak beams, horse brasses2) and roaring log fires. Nevertheless, no matter how old the pub itself, the name on the sign outside is probably the most historic thing about the place.

  The idea of the pub sign came to Britain at the time of the Roman invasion. Wine bars in ancient Rome hung bunches of vine leaves outside as trading signs but when the Romans came here they found precious few vines in the inhospitable climate. Instead, they hung up bushes to mark out the inns and the names Bush or Bull & Bush still survive.

  What's in a Name

Lord Nelson sign  It would be centuries before the first recognisable pubs opened. Religious houses3) ran the earliest true inns to cater for4) pilgrims5) and knights on their way to the Crusades6) in the Holy Land7). Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem8), whose cellars9) are carved from the rocks beneath Nottingham Castle, is just such an example. Established in 1189, it claims the title of the oldest pub in England and was a stopover point for forces on their way to meet with Richard the Lionheart10). Other signs on this theme are the Turk's Head, Saracen's Head and Lamb & Flag—the lamb representing Christ and the flag the sign of the crusaders.

  Even after the dissolution of the Monasteries11) in the 16th Century, some of the names denoting religious connections survived, such as the Mitre12), the Ship (symbolising the Ark13)) and the Anchor (the Christian faith). However, many of the landlords thought it more politic14) to show allegiance15) to the monarch and hastily adopted titles like the King's Head or the Crown. Henry VIII who ordered the dissolution is, unsurprisingly, the most popularly depicted monarch.

  Heraldry16) has been a recurrent theme, the Black, White, Red and Golden Lions have formed part of the royal coat of arms17) since the time of the Norman Conquest18). The Unicorn19) was in the Scottish arms, the Red Dragon in the Welsh and the White Horse in the Hanoverian20). The Rising Sun was the badge of Edward III21). Local gentry22) often had pubs on their land named after them or parts of their cognizance23) were taken.

  Anyone who caught the public imagination24) was likely to be immortalised25) such as Lord Nelson26) or Wellington27) and even loveable rogues28) like Dick Turpin29) get a mention.

  One of the most affectionate30) tributes is reserved for the Marquis31) of Granby, Commander in Chief of the British army. After the Battle of Warburg32), he bought pubs for all his non-commissioned officers33). His generosity ruined him however and he died in 1770 leaving crushing debts of £37,000.
  不过,最为深情的赞美要留给格兰比侯爵。格兰比侯爵是英军总司令,瓦尔堡战役之后,他买下大量的酒馆赠与他麾下的所有士官。但他的慷慨之举也导致了他的破产,1770年他去世时,留下了高达37, 000英镑的巨额债务。

  Sporty Names

Marquis of Granby  In the days of a largely illiterate population, pictorial34) signs were an essential way of advertising the inn or the type of entertainment on offer inside. Any pub called the Cock Inn or the Cock Pit would once have been a venue for cock fighting. Ye Old Fighting Cocks in St Albans (which also claims to be the oldest pub in Britain) was originally the dovecote35) for St Albans Abbey. After the dissolution, it was realised that its circular shape made it a perfect venue for cock fighting. Just to confuse things, any pub called the Cock & Bottle has nothing to do with sport. It simply denotes that both bottled and draught beers36) were available.

  As to other entertainments, the Bear denotes bear baiting37), the Dog & Duck hunting, the Bull & Dog bull baiting and the Bird in Hand, falconry38). Nowadays, the more modern sports are represented by names like the Cricketers' Arms, the Anglers39)' Rest or the Huntsman.

  Often the predominant trade of the area would give the pub its name. The Golden Fleece40) is a reflection of the local wool trade. The Coopers41)', Bricklayers', Saddlers42)' and Masons43)' Arms are commonplace signs. Legend has it that the Smiths Arms in Dorset was once a blacksmith44)'s forge where Charles II stopped to have his horse shod45). Whilst he was waiting he demanded a beer but was told the smithy was unlicenced. Exercising his royal prerogative46), he granted one and was duly served.
  某一地区的主要贸易往往能够决定该地的酒吧名称。例如,“金羊毛”这一名称就反映了当地的主要贸易为羊毛贸易。 “修桶匠徽章”“砌砖匠徽章”“制鞍匠徽章”和“石匠徽章”也是常见的招牌名称。传说位于多赛特的“铁匠徽章”酒吧原来是个铁匠铺,查理二世曾在此停留,给马钉蹄铁。在等待的间隙,他想来点啤酒,但人们告诉他这个铁匠铺没有售酒许可。于是查理二世便行使他的君权,为这家铁匠铺颁发了售酒许可证,就此如愿喝到了啤酒。

  In the 18th Century, the population became more mobile and a need for coaching inns grew with predictable names such as Coach & Horses or Horse & Groom. Later the advent of steam gave every town its Railway Inn or Station Arms.

  Where Good Stories Come From

Ye Olde Fighting Cocks  There is a story that, in Stoney Stratford, the London coach changed horses at the Bull and the Birmingham coach across the road at the Cock Inn. The passengers from the respective coaches would swap news whilst waiting for the change and it is from this that the phrase “cock and bull story47)” is said to have originated.
  有这样一个故事:在斯通尼斯坦福德镇,从伦敦来的马车在“公牛”酒馆更换马匹,从伯明翰来的马车在街对面的“公鸡”酒馆更换马匹。两边马车上的乘客们边等待更换马匹边聊天,互通有无。据说,这就是俗语“公鸡和公牛的故事” 的最初起源。

  Plenty of cock and bull stories and local legends have found their way onto pub signs. Take, for example, the Drunken Duck at Barngates. The landlady one day found all of her ducks dead in the yard. Unaccustomed to waste, she plucked48) them ready for cooking. As she finished, the ducks began to revive and a search of the yard revealed a leaking beer barrel surrounded by webbed footprints. She was apparently so contrite49) that she knitted50) little jackets until their feathers grew back.

  Alternatively, there was the Flying Monk of Malmesbury who claimed his faith was so strong it would enable him to fly. He jumped from the top of the local abbey to demonstrate his faith and … well, the pub was a nice memorial51)!

  It is rare to take time to consider the sign outside the pub in the rush to get inside but few pubs were named by accident. Almost every name has a story behind it and, together, they illustrate the social history of England. With names enduring for centuries it is possible that the sign above the door is as old as the pleasure of drinking itself.

  1. Olde Worlde:古色古香的
  2. horse brass:黄铜马饰
  3. religious house:修道院
  4. cater for:供应伙食,迎合
  5. pilgrim [ˈpɪlɡrɪm] n. 圣地朝拜者,朝圣
  6. Crusade [kruːˈseɪd] n. 十字军远征,在11、12或13世纪时,欧洲的基督教徒为了从穆斯林手中收复圣地而发动的军事远征
  7. Holy Land:圣地(圣经中的巴勒斯坦地区)
  8. Jerusalem [dʒəˌruːsələm] n. 耶路撒冷(巴勒斯坦著名古城)
  9. cellar [ˈselə(r)] n. 地下室,酒窖
  10. Richard the Lionheart:狮心王理查一世(1157~1199),英格兰国王(1189~1199年在位),以穷兵黩武和凶狠残暴闻名于世,历史上称为“狮心王”。
  11. monastery [ˈmɒnəst(ə)rɪ] n. 修道院
  12. mitre [ˈmaɪtə(r)] n. 主教法冠
  13. Ark [ɑː(r)k] n. (基督教《圣经》中诺亚为避洪水而造的)方舟
  14. politic [ˈpɒlətɪk] adj. 明智的,策略的
  15. allegiance [əˈliːdʒ(ə)ns] n. 忠贞,效忠
  16. heraldry [ˈherəldrɪ] n. 纹章
  17. coat of arms:盾形纹章,盾徽
  18. Norman Conquest:诺曼征服(以诺曼底公爵威廉为首的法国封建主对英格兰的征服,始于1066年)
  19. unicorn [ˈjuːnɪˌkɔː(r)n] n. 独角兽,麒麟
  20. Hanoverian [ˈhænəʊvə(r)ɪən] n. 汉诺威王朝,1714~1901年间统治英国的王朝
  21. Edward III:爱德华三世(1312~1377),英格兰国王(1327~1377年在位)
  22. gentry [ˈdʒentrɪ] n. 贵族们
  23. cognizance [ˈkɒɡnɪz(ə)ns] n. 纹章
  24. catch sb.'s imagination:让人感到兴奋、有趣
  25. immortalise [ɪˈmɔː(r)t(ə)laɪz] vt. 使不朽
  26. Lord Nelson:指霍雷肖·纳尔逊(Horatio Nelson, 1758~1805),英国海军中将,世界著名海军统帅,被誉为“英国皇家海军之魂”。lord [lɔː(r)d] 勋爵
  27. Wellington:惠灵顿公爵(1769~1852),反拿破仑战争中的联军统帅之一,以指挥滑铁卢战役闻名于世。1828年后历任英国首相、外交大臣、新西兰总督等职。
  28. rogue [rəʊɡ] n. 流氓,无赖,强盗
  29. Dick Turpin:迪克·特平(1705~1739),18世纪英国著名的公路劫匪
  30. affectionate [əˈfekʃ(ə)nət] adj. 亲爱的,挚爱的
  31. marquis [ˈmɑː(r)kwɪs] n. (英国等的)侯爵
  32. Battle of Warburg:瓦尔堡战役,发生于七年战争(1756~1763)期间的一次重大战役
  33. non-commissioned officer:军士,士官
  34. pictorial [pɪkˈtɔːrɪəl] adj. 图示的,有插画的
  35. dovecote [ˈdʌvˌkəʊt] n. 鸽房,鸽舍
  36. draught beer:生啤酒,指啤酒在制造的过程中采用冷过滤的方式杀菌;相较熟啤酒更为新鲜清爽。
  37. bear baiting:逗熊游戏,16世纪英格兰流行的娱乐方式之一,也是亨利八世最爱的游戏之一。这一游戏的规则是:将一头熊绑在链子上,链子固定在栏杆上,五六只狗同时向熊发起进攻;熊被撕咬得伤痕累累后,人们把它带进治疗室治疗、休养,待调整好了再参加下一场游戏。bait [beɪt] vt. 纵犬袭击(锁住的野兽)
  38. falconry [ˈfɔːlkənrɪ] n. 猎鹰训练术,鹰猎
  39. angler [ˈæŋɡlə(r)] n. 钓鱼者
  40. fleece [fliːs] n. 羊毛(尤指未剪下的)
  41. cooper [ˈkuːpə(r)] n. 制桶工人
  42. saddler [ˈsædlə(r)] n. 制造马鞍的人
  43. mason [ˈmeɪs(ə)n] n. 石匠,泥瓦匠
  44. blacksmith [ˈblækˌsmɪθ] n. 铁匠,锻工
  45. shoe [ʃuː] vt. (shod为shoe的过去式和过去分词)给(马)钉蹄铁
  46. prerogative [prɪˈrɒɡətɪv] n. 特权
  47. cock and bull story:荒诞的故事,无稽之谈
  48. pluck [plʌk] vt. 拔去(鸡、鸭等)毛
  49. contrite [kənˈtraɪt] adj. 深感懊悔的
  50. knit [nɪt] vt. 编织
  51. memorial [məˈmɔːrɪəl] n. 纪念物,纪念馆
