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“拿来主义”高教版 Community Colleges: An American Export


  美国社区学院又称社区大学,是美国独创的一种高等教育体制,其英文名称各异,包括community college、junior college、city college等。美国社区学院的历史已经超过百年,全美国现有超过一千所社区学院,90%为公立学校,注册学生占美国在校本科生45%。社区学院具有广泛的开放性,学生不分年龄、家庭出身、种族或民族均可入读。社区学院的学制通常是两年,但也非常灵活。在所有公立的高等院校中,它的学费是最低的。学生可以在完成两年学业后获得副学士学位(associate’s degree,也称准学士学位),也可以转学到四年制学校,后一种做法常常也是家庭经济条件较差的学生所采用的“迂回战术”。


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“拿来主义”高教版 Community Colleges: An American Export  In the world of higher education, two-year colleges often don’t get the same respect as four-year institutions here in the United States. But overseas, many educators say they are in awe of our community college system. They want to copy it.

  In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, young men gather in a1)drab office building, practicing their knowledge on some biomedical engineering equipment. Instructor Ahmad Alhamawi is putting them through their paces to see if they understand how to fix what’s broken.

  Alhamawi: And the job—or the mission of the student is to find this fault and to solve this fault. And this, we call in English, troubleshooting.

  This is Riyadh Community College, a bit of a novelty in Saudi Arabia and in this region. Unlike the technical institutes found in many countries, this school awards an associate’s degree that can get students a job or send them on to a four-year school. Since the launch here in 2003, the community college system in the kingdom has grown to 50 schools.

  Professor Saad Alshehri, the dean of the college, says, like his counterparts in the States, he develops the curriculum with the help of industry advisers.

  Prof. Alshehri: And they tell us, what is the skills needs for our graduate student[s], what do they need?

  Alshehri teaches chemistry at King Saud University. Unlike typical U.S. schools, Riyadh Community College is part of the larger university, and lives under its shadow. But Alshehri wants RCC to be a contender. He shows off the labs for training health-care workers, who are in big demand here. Like a proud papa, Alshehri can’t stop boasting about the quality of these facilities, telling me no one in the region has a lab as good as this one.

  Students come here for training in computer science, or to learn patient care for hospital jobs. The school is seeking international 2)accreditation to improve graduates’ chances as they enter the workforce.

  Male students play pool in the recreation area. They are all dressed in 3)thobes, the long, white 4)tunic most Saudi men wear. There are no women. They attend a separate campus, as they do in nearly all Saudi schools. And you won’t see the adult students who take courses at community colleges in the States. Saad Alshehri says students in the kingdom must attend college within five years of graduating from high school.

  Riyadh Community College has been learning a lot from Houston Community College, which is helping the school become fully accredited. Saad Alshehri has visited Houston many times. One idea he picked up is the need to have multiple campuses, something he hopes will attract students across this sprawling metropolis.

  Other countries in the region are also looking to this American creation to help train their workforce. The Persian Gulf nation of Qatar is said to open its first community college this fall. Professor Ibrahim Al-Naimi is heading up the effort. He says Qatar Community College will be one of the few co-educational schools in the country.

  Prof. Al-Naimi: These graduates will, after two years, they will be in the workplace. And the workplace is already co-ed. And so we have to train the kids to be prepared for their future.

  And in South America, community colleges are having a grand opening of sorts. With some advice from U.S. schools, Santiago, Chile, just opened what’s being advertised as the first true community college in that country. The Agency for International Development has recognized the power of this educational model, and is helping to 5)fledge new schools through grants and exchange programs.
