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假设本·富兰克林在用推特 If Ben Franklin Were on Twitter


  I’m sitting in my office answering email messages when I glance out the window and see Benjamin Franklin leaning against a wall talking on his cell phone. I rub my eyes and refocus, but Ben is still there. Have I really been transported back in time? I run to the mirror to see if I’m still me. I’m clearly having trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality.

假设本·富兰克林在用推特  A little 3)perspective: My office is in The Old Corner Bookstore, an 18th century historic building in the center of Boston, situated along the Freedom Trail, a walking tour of revolutionary and early American historic sites. Benjamin Franklin was born on Milk Street, one block away, on January 17th, 1706, in what is now (ironically) a 4)Sir Speedy Printing 5)franchise. Visitors are 6)escorted through Old Boston by tour guides dressed as famous men and women of the Revolution such as 7)George Washington, 8)Abigail Adams, and of course, Benjamin Franklin. So when I saw him outside my window, Ben just happened to be on his break. I saw him again a few days later, at Starbucks having a 9)mocha 10)latte with Abigail Adams. Who knew?

  As a leading author and 11)printer, politician, inventor, and diplomat, Benjamin Franklin had few equals. His inventions reveal a man of many talents and interests. He possessed a natural curiosity about things, the way they work, and how to make them work better. He invented the 12)lightning rod, 13)bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage 14)odometer, and the 15)glass harmonica to name a few. No doubt, if he were alive today, he would have invented the Internet!

  Franklin 16)approached his work with passion and purpose, living each day thinking of ways to make the world a better place. His curious nature would’ve made him a 17)savvy user of the many social technologies today. He’d be blogging and 18)tweeting 19)vociferously. If you “friended” him, you could receive rough drafts of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the latest proposal for Health Care Reform, and probably a few good recommendations for iTunes downloads.

  If Ben were on Twitter, he’d have a lot to say about 20)navigating work, life, and livelihood. Here’s a likely sample of his tweets:

  “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”

  Continuous learning is a 21)requisite for a meaningful work-life. Franklin observed that “some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75.” When you stop learning, you remain rooted in the past, the present passes you by, and the future becomes an ever-increasing threat.

  “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

  Meaningful careers are created through the22) alignment of competence, intention, and purpose connected to the world of work. If you haven’t defined what success means to you, it’s not likely you’ll achieve it.

  “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

  Careers are not 23)static; they evolve and change. Creating a meaningful work-life is not a one-time event, but rather a process that takes courage to adapt, transform, and thrive. Learn to anticipate uncertainty and see changes as opportunities for growth.

  “Employ 24)thy time well, if 25)thou meanest to get leisure.”

  What do you want from your job above and beyond a paycheck? Interesting projects? Stimulating colleagues? 26)Flextime? Independence and autonomy? Clarifying your work values will help you evaluate whether a job will be satisfying or 27)draining—and whether it creates a life worth living when the work day is done.

  “Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a 28)sundial in the shade?”

  Discover your natural abilities and employ them in work you enjoy. Sometimes we get very good at doing things we never chose to do in the first place. Ability has very little to do with enjoyment. Discard the skills you don’t enjoy and fill your bag with new, more satisfying ones. To shine brilliantly, you need to come out of the shadows.

  “He that won’t be 29)counseled can’t be helped.”

  Although Franklin is credited as being foundational to the roots of American values of thrift, hard work, and education, he didn’t necessarily advocate going it alone. On the contrary, he sought the advice and counsel of others. Success is not a solo project. Surround yourself with people who can support and encourage you to do the great things you’re capable of accomplishing.

  “Well done is better than well said.”

  If you want to achieve a meaningful work-life, you have to do more than hope. You need to set goals and act on them. Meaningful work doesn’t come to you; you need to move toward it, one step at a time. In Franklin’s words, “He that lives upon hope will die 30)fasting.”

  “A good 31)conscience is a continual Christmas.”

  Approach your work with honesty and dignity. Success at the expense of others is not a win. Watch and listen to those around you. Look for mentors or be a mentor to others. Build relationships outside your “32)sphere” and 33)reap the gifts that integrity brings.

  Benjamin Franklin did not have the technology that we have today. He lived before radio, television, computers, and 34)YouTube. Yet he remains an American icon of innovation and invention long after his death. Let us reflect on Franklin’s accomplishments and be inspired to create a few of our own. In the spirit of Ben Franklin: “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.”
