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布谷钟和巧克力 Cuckoo Clocks and Chocolate


  Known as an earthly paradise (just look at those glistening white 4000m-plus Alpine peaks and glittering lakes), Switzerland is attractive and intriguing2). The list of enchanting3) things about Switzerland is endless.... Read our list and you'll find Switzerland a chocolate box bursting with4) unexpected flavors.

  The Swiss Army actually does use Swiss Army knives

瑞士军刀 Swiss Army knives  "I think they do," agrees Ursula, at the Swiss Embassy's press office5), "but I'll let you know for sure tomorrow, when the defence attaché6) gets in." Not to worry, Ursula. Google tells me that Victorinox7) started providing the Swiss Army with the offiziersmesser (officer's knife) in 1897. After 1945 huge numbers of them were shipped to the US Army. Lazy GIs8) couldn't pronounce the word, so the term "Swiss Army knife" was born.

  Swiss banks really are very, very rich

  It has been estimated that one third of the world's private fortune is sitting in Swiss banks—somewhere in the region of9) $2500 billion. As the embassy's press office is keen to point out, Swiss banking practices are much tighter today than your average airport novel might lead you to conclude. The banks are now obliged to10) co-operate with overseas governments if there is suspicion that the money is connected to a crime.

  Cuckoo clocks aren't really from Switzerland

布谷钟 Cuckoo Clocks  That said, a great way of infuriating11) the Swiss is by suggesting that they are. "It isn't true!" fumes the embassy press office's Ursula, who is on a bit of a roll12) by this point. "We blame Orson Welles13)." Welles, should you forget, famously had Harry Lime in The Third Man14) pronounce: "They had 500 years of democracy and peace. And what did that produce? The cuckoo clock." Gross15) slander16). Actually, cuckoo clocks come from the Black Forest region17) in Germany.

  Milk chocolate, however, is

  It was invented in the 1870s by a candle-maker called Daniel Peter, who, when not candle-making, had spent almost a decade trying to find a way to remove milk's water content and prevent mildewing18). His breakthrough came when he teamed up with19) the baby food manufacturer next door, Henri Nestlé20).

  William Tell was Switzerland's answer to William Wallace21)

  Back in 1300-ish22), Switzerland was ruled by the Austrians. One day, a chap23) called Gessler, governor of a town called Uri, decided to test the loyalty of the citizens by getting hold of24) a hat in Austrian colors, and putting it on a pole in the town square. Citizens were expected to salute25) it. Tell didn't. Gessler decided to punish Tell by making him shoot an apple from his son's head with a crossbow26). Tell did. Later he shot Gessler as well. And the Swiss never had to salute a hat on a stick again. Hurrah.

  The Swiss are very keen on27) beach volleyball

  The Swiss love beach volleyball even though they don't, for very obvious reasons, have much in the way of28) beaches. The Swiss Volleyball Open started in Gstaad29) and despite being 1000 meters above sea level, and in the shadow of several Alps30), the contest featured a beach party and a concert to "bring back memories of holidays under palm trees".

  James Bond was Swiss

James Bond  Or, at least, half Swiss. According to Ian Fleming's You Only Live Twice, Bond was the son of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix, both of whom died in a climbing accident. To mix fact and fiction for a moment, Bond's one time squeeze31), Ursula Andress, is also Swiss. And, no doubt, a witch at beach volleyball.

  1. cuckoo clock: 布谷鸟钟(报时似布谷鸟叫声的钟,有的会有布谷鸟木偶弹出来)
  2. intriguing [In5tri:^IN] adj. 引起好奇心(或兴趣)的;有迷惑力的
  3. enchanting [In5tFB:ntIN] adj. 使人着魔的;迷惑人的
  4. burst with: 充满
  5. press office: 新闻处
  6. attaché [a:ta:5FeI] n. <法> (外交使团的)专员
  7. Victorinox: 维氏,著名瑞士军刀品牌
  8. GI [5dVi: 5aI] n. (复数为GIs)美国兵
  9. in the region of: 在……左右;接近
  10. be obliged to: 不得不
  11. infuriate [In5fjuErIeIt] vt. 激怒
  12. on a roll: 滔滔不绝
  13. Orson Welles: 奥森·威尔斯(1915~1985),美国电影导演、编剧和演员。1999年,他在美国电影学会评选的“百年来最伟大的男演员”中位列第16名。
  14. The Third Man:《第三人》,是一部1949年的英国电影,由卡罗尔·里得执导,约瑟夫·科滕、阿莉达·瓦利和奥森·威尔斯主演,曾在英国电影学院所评选的“百大英国影片”中名列第一。
  15. gross [^rEus] adj. 令人不快的
  16. slander [5slB:ndE(r)] n. 诽谤
  17. Black Forest region: 黑森林地区,位于德国西南部莱茵河沿岸,与瑞士交界。
  18. mildew [5mIldju:] vi. 发霉,长霉
  19. team up with: 与合作,与协作
  20. Henri Nestlé: 亨利·内斯特(1814~1890),德国人,雀巢公司创始人
  21. William Wallace: 威廉·华莱士(1272?~1305),苏格兰民族英雄,其故事被拍摄成电影《勇敢的心》。
  22. -ish [IF] suf. 大约
  23. chap [tFAp] n. <口>小伙子
  24. get hold of: 抓住,得到
  25. salute [sE5lu:t, -5lju:t] vt. 行礼致敬,敬礼
  26. crossbow [5krRsbEJ] n. 弩,石弓(一种中世纪武器)
  27. be keen on: 喜爱
  28. in the way of: 关于……方面
  29. Gstaad [gE5Fta:t] n. 格施塔德(瑞士滑雪胜地)
  30. Alps [Alps] n. 阿尔卑斯山脉[欧洲中南部](西起法国东南部的尼斯,经瑞士南部、意大利北部,东到奥地利的维也纳)
  31. squeeze [skwi:z] n. 男朋友;女朋友
