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被遗忘的时光 Art of WWI


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  World War I was so terrible and so 1)titanic a struggle that its memory haunts us still. No previous conflict had ever been so bloody or vast in scale, and its scars were so deep that it has been called “The Great War.”

  The conflict of 1914 to 1918 changed painting forever. Before 1914, images of soldiers were recorded in a theatrical or patriotic way. Painters tended to oblige the 2)establishment, and kings, 3)kaisers, emperors and 4)tsars were often depicted as great warriors and their armies as 5)regiments of heroes. But this approach was going to be contested.
被遗忘的时光 Art of WWI  1914年至1918年的战争令画坛也从此起了一个翻天覆地的变化。1914年以前的士兵形象常以夸张或爱国式的手法来描绘。画家倾向于服从权力机构,各国的统治者经常被描绘成伟大的勇士,而他们的军队则是成群的英雄。但是这种手法即将受到挑战。

  Art Historian: I think before the First World War there was a whole generation of young artists all over Europe who were challenging all the traditions that they’d 6)inherited from the 19th century. It is the great period before the First World War of the “isms.” You have cubism, expressionism, futurism, all rivaling each other, all trying to be more 7)rebellious than each other, and all trying to sort of push art in new directions.

  8)Enthusiasm for the war was widespread throughout all countries, communities and classes. Artists were no exception. They thought the war would 9)purge Europe of the old order and create a more liberal world. Known as the Avant-Garde, these painters had already begun to experiment with new styles that suited the modern thinking, but the war was to accelerate this process. Young Italian painters were the most 10)ardent supporters of the war. They called themselves the Futurists.

  The energy of war and new technology offered exciting possibilities. Italy wanted to liberate territory from the Austro-Hungarians. As a result, they fought on the side of 11)the Allies. In 12)Umberto Boccioni’s painting, “The Charge of the 13)Lancers,” he features a traditional 14)cavalry attack, but he gives it a deadly 15)diagonal quality. The newspaper report behind refers to the progress of the war in France, an urgent reminder to Boccioni’s countrymen that their allies had been fighting the enemy for some time. The top left of the painting is dominated by a 16)skeletal head. It symbolizes death, perhaps to suggest that the enemy below are to 17)perish or that Boccioni was already starting to acknowledge the horror of war as well as its excitement. Within weeks of joining the cavalry himself, Boccioni was killed in a training exercise.

  We celebrate war poets, but war artists have largely been forgotten. They gave us something the objective, 18)dispassionate camera cannot provide. The paintings produced by the avant-garde have given us an emotional connection with the war, which reveals the inner feelings of those soldier-artists who were involved in the bloodiest battles the world has ever known.
  我们赞美战争诗人,但战争艺术家却基本上被遗忘。他们呈现给我们的是客观、冰冷的相机所不能提供的。先锋派艺术家所创作的画作,让我们深深地感受到了那场战争,感受那些战地艺术家们的内心感觉,他们参与了世人迄今知晓的最血腥的战斗。翻译:moon cake
