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安徒生:剪纸是诗文创作的开始 Scissor Witing

安徒生 Andersen  We must regard 1)Hans Christian Andersen’s paper art as something colorful, 2)diverting and poetic that is extremely closely linked to his lyric poetry, drama, fairy-tales, novels and travel books. Andersen’s paper-cuts cannot just be separated from his written 3)oeuvre and placed beside it.

  About 1,000 paper-cuts of all sizes still exist to this day—primitive figures and simple 4)tableaux, as well as more ornamental, sophisticated cuttings. They belong to a world of their own, but they all have roots in precisely the same rich, widely embracing creative imagination which, in the nineteenth century, revolutionized world literature with a long series of fairy-tales told for children and for the child in every adult. This is why Andersen’s many paper-cuts cannot be 5)dismissed as mere 6)diversions and little games, or just be regarded as funny, entertaining illustrations of Andersen’s fairy-tale world in writing.

  Andersen had an urge to “cut and paste” that was just as strong as the urge to write and travel. He was nearly always armed with a pair of scissors, which could be quite dangerous. They could slip out of his pocket, and he might sit on them, which was what happened when he was on his way across the island of 7)Funen in a horse-drawn carriage, with the result that he had to have his painful backside bathed and 8)bandaged. But most of the time he grasped his scissors with pleasure, and when he folded the paper once or twice and started cutting from a 9)longitudinal or 10)transverse axis, it was always in some way a visua-lization of the way his magical wordplay emerged from nothing, and swiftly materialized itself in patterns, figures and landscapes. A paper-cut would often be a little fairy-tale in itself in time and space.

  Like his pen, Andersen’s scissors were a creative tool, which quite 11)impromptu could make happiness, anger, confidence, fear, hate and love assume forms and figures that almost swarmed out of him on command. 

  Around 1830 Andersen had made some drawings for one of his faithful young friends, Otto Zinck. In one picture a 12)regiment of soldiers can be seen coming out of Andersen’s own mouth, while another profile drawing shows a group of more or less 13)grotesque, fantastic human figures, all 14)hunched up in his features and ready to jump. Later in Andersen’s life and work we can see how he developed this 15)bizarre form of self-portraiture, for example, by cutting 16)silhouettes in which people hang or dance round his nose and the top of his head, almost as if they had crawled out of his ears and mouth, or had perhaps even been blown out of his capacious nose.

  In the nursery he would be liberal and 17)down to earth with his scissors and paper in his hands and a few chosen children around him who were neither to sit on his lap nor crawl round his shoulders, but sit at a proper distance. Then Andersen, who ever since his childhood had dreamed of becoming an actor, would be 18)in his element. When he began to turn the colored pieces of paper around the steady tips of his scissors, none of the children around the table knew what was going to happen. He liked to start by talking a little, and in doing so would incorporate an 19)improvised fairy-tale relating to the theme of the paper-cut. Frequently he would stop in order to add a new longitudinal or transverse axis on the paper so as to break the 20)symmetry and provoke new angles and perspectives. These corresponded to the devices he would employ as a storyteller, whether orally or in writing, when he started “editing” (in a filmic sense) the 21)chronology, or suddenly 22)reshuffled the composition in order to introduce new angles, scenes and persons. He was able to weep with mournful eyes, laugh at merry moments, whisper to make something 23)spooky, or sing and 24)warble, precisely as his oral narration demanded. And then all at once, when the crisp, dry clicks of the scissors ceased and Andersen’s voice fell silent, both the story and the paper-cut were finished and the piece of paper would be slowly and carefully unfolded. Perhaps Andersen would blow at it a little, and immediately a whole row of 25)pixies and 26)sylphs in short 27)crinolines would dance away from the scissors, looking like so many newly hatched little butterflies.


  And there they stand, sit, hang and hop to this day, all Andersen’s fairy-tale characters, in his writing and in his paper-cuts, these timeless spectators and graceful, grinning challengers to the modern world. As such, we should always accept them kindly and gratefully. They mean well. As Andersen added in a note to a paper-cut representing a “Tableau of Dancers”:
  From Andersen’s scissors
  A fairy-tale sprang forth.
  You were given the paper-cut;
  You are the kindly critic! 

