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万圣节背后的科学 The Science of Hallowe'en(2)

  In practice few, if any, people have been shot with silver bullets as werewolves, or had stakes driven through their hearts in a Van-Helsing22)-style as vampires. Staking of a different kind was, however, a real risk for those accused of witchcraft in 17th-century Europe or America.

  Part of the reputation of witchcraft is almost certainly due to the effects of naturally occurring hallucinogenic23) drugs. One that frequently gets the blame is muscarine24), the active ingredient of fly agarics25), the red and white toadstools26) beloved of the illustrators of books of fairy tales. Consumption of even quite small amounts of fly agaric is likely to enable the diner to converse with the gnomes27) who inhabit the toadstools in question or, even more pertinently28), to fly.

  A second fungus, with the less fetching name of Claviceps purpurea29), is also implicated in witchcraft. Claviceps is the natural source of LSD30), perhaps the most famous hallucinogen of all. It grows as a parasite31) on rye32), and the "trip33)" produced by eating infected rye is known today as ergotism34). But in earlier times, such drug-induced visions might well have borne alternative, more magical, explanations. And as Mary Kilbourne Matossian, a researcher and author on the effects of disease on history, observed a few years ago, many of the 17th-century witch panics (including that at Salem, Massachusetts) occurred in places where rye was widely cultivated, and after weather that was propitious35) for the growth of Claviceps.

  Zombies are also thought by some researchers to be people who have passed through a drug-induced state. Unlike vampires, werewolves and witches, zombies are a purely New-World36) phenomenon. Specifically, they come from Haiti. Zombies are supposed to be the "living dead". In fact, the process of zombification seems to involve the deliberate poisoning of an individual with toxin from a puffer fish (the sort used to make the prized but dangerous Japanese dish fugu). This puts him into a death-like trance37), from which he is revived with a potion made from the seeds of a hallucinogenic plant known as the zombie cucumber. The result, apparently, is a biddable38) slave who is convinced he has died and been resurrected. Trick or treat?
  1. rational [5rAFEnEl] adj. 理性的,理智的
  2. priestess [5pri:stIs] n. 女祭司
  3. zombie [5zRmbI] n. 还魂尸
  4. plausible [5plC:zEbl] adj. (论点等)貌似有理的;(说法等)貌似真实的
  5. speculation [7spekju5leIFEn] n. 推测,猜测,推断
  6. hypothesis [haI5pCWIsIs] n. 假说,假设
  7. vampirism [5vAmpaIErIzEm] n. 吸血症
  8. porphyria [pC:5fIrIE] n. 【医】卟啉症(一种遗传性卟啉代谢的病态紊乱)
  9. urine [5juErIn] n. 尿,小便
  10. convoluted [5kCnvElu:tId] adj. 盘错的,错综复杂的
  11. notion [5nEuFEn] n. (怪)念头
  12. neurologist [7njuE5rClEdVIst] n. 神经病学家;神经病科医师
  13. rabies [5reIbi:z] n. 【医】狂犬病
  14. insomnia [In5sCmnIE] n. 失眠;失眠症
  15. aversion [E5v\:FEn] n. 厌恶,反感
  16. garlic [5^B:lIk] n. 大蒜,蒜
  17. lycanthropy [laI5kAnWrEpI] n. 【心】变狼(妄想)症,变兽(妄想)症
  18. albeit [C:l5bi:It] conj. 尽管,即使
  19. overtone [5EuvEtEun] n. [常作~s] 弦外之音,含蓄之意;暗示
  20. bestial [5bestjEl] adj. 野兽的;野兽般的
  21. farfetched [5fa:fetFt] adj. 牵强附会的,不切实际的
  22. Van Helsing: 范海辛,吸血鬼猎人。
  23. hallucinogenic [hE7lu:sInE5dVEnIk] adj. 引起幻觉的
  24. muscarine [5mQskErIn] n. 【生化】毒蝇碱
  25. fly agaric: 【植】蛤蟆菌,毒蝇伞;agaric [5A^ErIk] n. 【植】伞菌
  26. toadstool [5tEJdstu:l] n. 【植】伞菌;毒菌
  27. gnome [nEum] n. (民间传说中居于地下的)地下宝藏守护神,土地神
  28. pertinently [5p\:tInEntlI] adv. 有关系地,相关地
  29. Claviceps purpurea: 麦角菌
  30. LSD: abbr. lysergic acid diethylamide,麦角酸酰二乙胺(一种致幻药物)
  31. parasite [5pArEsaIt] n. 寄生生物;(附着在其他植物或墙上生长的)攀附植物
  32. rye [raI] n. 黑麦
  33. trip [trIp] n. <口> (服用毒品后所产生的)幻觉;刺激性的体验;兴奋
  34. ergotism [5\:^EtIzEm] n. (黑麦等的)麦角病;【医】麦角中毒(食用麦角菌侵染的谷物或长期服用过量麦角药物所致)
  35. propitious [prEU5pIFEs] adj. 有利的;合适的
  36. New-World: 新大陆的,西半球(即美洲)的
  37. trance [trB:ns] n. 昏睡状态;催眠状态
  38. biddable [5bIdEbl] adj. 顺从的,听话的,易管教的

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