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历史上的名师 Famous Teachers in History(2)

o become great thinkers and learned men as well, such as Plato9) and Xenophon10). His method of asking his students a series of questions to lead them to their own answer to a question they are pondering has become known as the Socratic Method. His method has been used in classrooms ever since.
  Unfortunately for Socrates, the authorities in Athens eventually grew tired of his pesky11) habit of asking challenging questions, and tried him for corrupting the minds of the youth and heresy12) (for questioning the existence of the gods). They convicted13) him, and he had to drink poison hemlockas punishment. But Socrates' ideas and methods still live on in schools everywhere.
  Maria Montessori 玛丽亚·蒙特梭利
Maria Montessori  Maria Montessori was a pioneer in the fight to defy educational stereotypes14), and singlehandedly developed radical new education methods.
  As a girl in a small Italian town in the 1870s, Montessori excelled in elementary school and wished to continue her education, which girls were discouraged from doing at the time. But her modern-thinking mother encouraged her, and she enrolled in an all-boys technical school in Rome when she was thirteen.
  This allowed Montessori to defy15) stereotypes and pursue a technical career. She went on to break further gender barriers in education by becoming the first woman in Italy to earn a medical degree. As a doctor, she worked with mentally disabled children at a psychiatric clinic and concluded that helping these children was more an issue of teaching method than medical treatment. Her interest in helping such children led her to be placed in charge of a school for "hopeless" children, where her teaching methods saw tremendous success. She stressed personal attention and utilizing what she saw as a child's natural process for learning. This process of natural teaching involved learning through all five senses and letting children find what they are interested on their own—a philosophy now known as the Montessori Method.
  Montessori went on to successfully teach many more children previously thought "unteachable", including the mentally disabled and the extremely poor. The Montessori method is employed in schools throughout the world today, and her life serves as an inspiration for countless other teachers.
  Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
Albert Einstein  It is said that when he was growing up, Albert Einstein flunked16) math. He did so poorly in school that a teacher told Einstein's father that he would never amount to anything17). But this supposedly poor student in fact went on to revolutionize the field of physics, win the Nobel Prize, and become synonymous with the word "genius". And he would also become a much better teacher than the one he had.
  Despite his struggles (or lack of interest) in school, he held a deep wonder for the world and its natural laws, and later discovered a love for theoretical math. He fell in love with geometry and its clear proofs, and mastered calculus at age 16. Einstein went on to publish his revolutionary physics papers with his theories of thermodynamics18) and relativity. These papers allowed him to take professorship positions at several universities around Europe.After receiving a few too many racist attacks on his academic work, he went on to teach students in Princeton University, becoming one of the most well-known teachers in America.
  About teaching, he once said "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough", showing he was a truly understanding teacher that sympathized with confused students. He also gave a student those famous and very true words of advice, "Do not worry about your problems with mathematics. I assure you mine are far greater."Perhaps Einstein learned from his own experience with bad teachers in order to become a great one.
  1. aristocratic [7ArIstE5krAtIk] adj. (属于)贵族的
  2. heed [hi:d] vt. 注意,留心
  3. espouse [I5spauz] vt. 信奉

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