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我把16岁写在海上 Sailing around the World at Sixteen

  一艘小小的粉红色帆船,一个一脸稚气的16岁女孩,仅用了7个月的时间,便完成了许多成年人想都不敢想的环球航行。2010年5月15日这一天,这位澳洲女孩驾驶着她的“Ella’s Pink Lady”,像英雄般在众人的欢呼声中,驶过悉尼港的终点线——完成了她的梦想的同时,重新定义了“不可能”的边界,特别是对于青少年的来说。

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Jessica Watson  Seven months ago, Jessica Watson left Sydney Harbour as an ordinary teenager with just an 1)extraordinary dream, and this morning she’s going to return a hero.
  News Anchor A: A teenager with big dreams has begun an epic adventure.
  News Anchor B: Jessica Watson has set sail through 2)Sydney Heads after setting off on her epic round-the-world voyage about half an hour ago.
  Two hundred and ten days, 23,000 3)nautical miles, four-story waves and 290 microwave meals.
  (David Gray—Sail Away)
  Seven months ago with nothing more than the wind in her sails, Jessica Watson began the journey of a lifetime.
  Jessica: The record I’m aiming for is to be the youngest person to sail solo, non-stop and unassisted around the world.
  It all began when the sunny, coast girl read Jesse Martin’s Lionheart. The book would change her life and spark a longing in Jessica for her own adventure.
  Jessica: It was an excuse to sail around the world, you know, by myself as a 16-year-old, and, you know, one of the things people ask is, “Why now?” But that’s, that’s just what I want to do. I want to, you know, sail around the world as a 16-year-old, as a teenager.
  But it wasn’t all smooth sailing. The 16-year-old and her parents copped criticism that she was under-prepared and bid fears she wouldn’t survive the epic journey. But on the first night, doubters’ concerns proved real.
  News Anchor A: A young girl’s brave adventure to sail around the world has been put on hold even before it had begun. Sixteen-year-old Jessica Watson 4)collided with a cargo ship last night off southern Queensland.
  And although her boat was 5)battered and broken, her spirits were not.
  Jessica: … ’cause I’ve been training for this sort of thing for so many years it just gave me confidence. It was sort of like, “Wow, I can actually handle this.”
  Jessica is set to be denied formal recognition from the World Sailing Speed Record Council. Their 6)stance, Jessica is too young and has not travelled far enough to seize the official title. But, record or not, Jessica Watson has 7)exemplified the Aussie spirit of adventure. And, as she told 60 Minutes before she set sail, it’s merely the start of many dreams to come.
  Charles Wooley (60 Minutes): Once you depart for the horizon …
  Jessica: Yeah.
  Charles: … and the argument stops, I predict Australians will fall in love with you and they will all follow the adventures of this beautiful, 8)spirited girl.
  Jessica: … and yeah, and I love that part of it. I absolutely love the fact that, you know, there’s millions of people out there following it. But it was always about sailing around the world for me, and, I don’t know, look, we’ll see what happens, but I mean, I’m already dreaming about other boats and other adventures, but I’m also thinkin’ about, you know, finishing school and getting a car license.
  Charles: Oh, you’re much too young to have a car license.
  Jessica: I know, right.
