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尼古拉斯·霍尔特:邻家有儿初长成 Nicholas Hoult: about a Man

Nicholas Hoult 尼古拉斯·霍尔特  某日,朋友和我侃起有哪些没有“长残”的童星,我脱口而出:尼古拉斯·霍尔特。从昔日的小胖墩长成今天的花美男,幸好其没在毒品酒精中沉沦而一蹶不振。他的星途看似不错,既可以凭借外貌在《皮囊》这样的青春偶像剧中聚敛人气,又可以靠着演技在《单身男子》这样的独立小制作中玩一把深沉,还可以在《诸神之战》这样的票房大片中跑跑龙套,混个脸熟,可俗可雅,他颇具“万人迷”的潜质。
  看到尼古拉斯·霍尔特,我蓦地想起大仲马在《三个火枪手》里面对达塔尼昂的描写,说他是青年,他又似乎显得太年轻;要说是个孩子罢,他又似乎有些老了。就像此刻的霍尔特,身上褪去了少年郎特有的青涩与幼稚,但又没沾染上成年人的圆滑与世故。21岁,是个美好的年龄,处在这个年龄的人大多是没有成家立业的压力,因此他们可以去拼、去闯而不用瞻前顾后。对于霍尔特将来能否继续“星光灿烂”我不想太过笃定,现在我只想捕捉他此时此刻身上闪烁的光芒,以此来纪念我那些遗失的美好。 ——Mac

  Oh no. Interview, uh oh. I always panic about these things.” Nicholas Hoult does look genuinely 1)apprehensive, which is annoying because he’s been perfectly at ease until now.
  I say 2)reassuring things, but he looks unconvinced. Why do interviews make him panic? He frowns and seems to think hard.“3)Dunno,” he finally offers, unhelpfully. Hoult’s reaction is 4)sensible, really. No one wants to be 5)crammed on a sofa and asked annoying questions about how he feels and what he thinks, but it’s surprising that an actor this experienced hasn’t found a way to deal with the experience by now. Though he is just 21, he’s worked in film and TV for years. He was spotted in a theatre audience aged three by a director who suggested to Hoult’s mother that if he could concentrate on a play at that age then he could probably be in one. He’s been acting ever since, becoming properly famous at 12 as 6)geeky schoolboy Marcus opposite 7)Hugh Grant in the 2002 adaptation of 8)About a Boy. He’s co-starred with 9)Nicolas Cage, and then became a star in his own right at 17, thanks to Channel 4’s drugs-and-sex-10)drenched teen drama Skins. His portrayal of heartless 11)heartthrob Tony Stonem, full of 12)callous 13)swagger and vulnerability, was the show’s standout performance. Aside from that, he was lucky enough to participate in 14)A Single Man, alongside 15)Colin Firth and 16)Julianne Moore.
  Chris Weitz, who co-directed About a Boy and produced A Single Man, thinks there are several reasons for Hoult’s transformation from child actor to star: “17)Arbitrarily, he turned from the 18)shrimp who came up to my 19)armpit to the 20)hunk who towers above me, and while his looks have matured, they’ve remained 21)inherently interesting and unconventional. On his own, though, he’s shown that the naturalness of his performance as a 12-year-old was not a 22)fluke. He’s willing to do a tremendous amount of work to get a performance right.”
  Hoult hated the attention Skins brought. Once, after his car was surrounded by people staring in, tapping on the windows, while he waited for his little sister outside her school, it even made him doubt he 23)was cut out for acting. “I’d always had two lives before then—acting and the real world—and it all bled together. But it’s interesting how quickly people forget. They look at me now, think they might know me, but then just walk on, which is brilliant.”
  Actually, being cool seems a low priority for a 21-year-old who could presumably go to any club opening or party he chose. He prefers the pub with friends. “It’s awkward going to parties with people you don’t know, especially when they think they know you. It was difficult after Skins because people thought I was my character, but as you’ve probably figured out by now, I’m not very interesting…Oh this is all going horribly wrong.”

  It’s not going horribly right. I wouldn’t mind if he didn’t seem so unhappy; it would be easier if he was rude—but he isn’t. Well, not really. He 24)enthuses about Clash of the Titans, in which he has a supporting role as soldier Eusebius, saying that everyone looked after him on set because he was the youngest. I ask if he ever gets tired of always being the youngest in a film cast. “Am I looking forward to being older? Not really. I’m not scared of growing up, but it just happens, doesn’t it?”
  访问跟我想象中的不太相符。他没太显出一副不快的样子,这我当然不介意;但如果他高傲无礼就更好办,可是他并没有那样。呃,完全没有不礼貌。一提到《诸神之 战》——他扮演里面的一个配角士兵优西比乌——他就兴头十足地说道,因为他是这么多演员中最年轻的,所以片场中每个人都对他照顾有加。我问他,是否曾因为自己总是演员中最年轻的一个而感到不耐烦。“我期盼变得年长点吗?也不是啦。我不怕成长,人总是要长大的,不是吗?”
  What else is he looking forward to? He thinks for a while before nominating the Miss World competition.
  Really? I ask, what’s your favourite round—swimwear or talent? “Talent, probably. Though wearing swimwear is a talent, too…oh I don’t know. I’m looking forward to traveling, doing interesting stuff. Strengthening ties with people I already know and love. I’m serious—but it sounds so 25)cheesy. I think these things, but I just can’t say them out loud. But I mean it, I really do.”
