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“黑”掉苹果手机的少年 Hacking into iPhones with Friends

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  These days most kids are pretty 1)sophisticated about technology. Take Ari Weinstein. He built his first website when he was in the second grade, and installed Linux on his friends’ iPods when he was 11.
  The Philadelphia teenager is part of a 2)loose-knit group of hackers who cracked the code of iPhones and iPod touch software, so they can install any app they like. Whether Apple likes it or not.
  Ari: OK, so I have my tools somewhere over here.
  It’s known as jail breaking. And in this little corner of 3)cyberspace, Ari Weinstein is a bit of a star. It all started about two years ago when Ari got an iPod touch for his 4)Bar Mitzvah. Of course, the first thing he did was hack it.
  Ari: It took me like two hours or so, maybe a little bit more, to jail break that iPod touch the first time. And I thought that was way too much time. It really…I thought it’s really silly that this is taking me this much time. Someone should make something that does it faster. And I realized, wait a minute, I can do that.
  So he designed a piece of software that allowed anyone to do it. And he put it up online. He called it iJailBreak, and it was downloaded about a million times.
  Ari: I remember I got no homework done that night.
  It created a lot of buzz on blogs and tech sites, and at his school.
  Not long after that, Apple 5)retooled the iPod operating system and added a bunch of security fixes. Then they came out with new models altogether. And that 6)put the kibosh on iJailBreak.
  Apple is known for keeping a tight grip on its products. So it’s a safe bet that they aren’t too happy about hackers. A spokeswoman for the company says the7)modifications violate the warrantee, and cause the iPhone to become unstable and not work reliably. So far though, the company hasn’t taken any direct action against hobbyists like Ari.
  Ari isn’t worried, but he has a lawyer advising him on a 8)pro bono basis, just in case.
  Ari: I mean I call my lawyer. We haven’t actually, like, needed, to fight any lawsuits or anything.
  He’s also trying to go legit. He’s working on software that will let people access information on their computers from their iPhones and other mobile devices. There’s just one problem: technically Apple doesn’t let jail breakers sell products at its store.

Hacking into iPhones with Friends
  这位费城少年是一个架构松散的黑客组织的成员之一,这个组织专门破解iPhone和iPod touch软件的编码,以便他们可以安装任何他们喜欢的手机软件。他们可不管苹果公司乐不乐意。
  大家都知道这叫做“越狱”。在电脑空间的这个小角落里,阿里·温斯坦可称得上是个明星了。故事开始于两年前,当时阿里在接受成年礼时得到了一部iPod touch。当然了,他做的第一件事就是把它“黑”掉。
  阿里:首次将iPod touch“越狱”花了我差不多两小时,或者更多一点儿吧。我想那太花时间了。那真是……我想那花了我这么多时间真是太傻了。应该有人干点什么让这个程序快一些,然后我意识到“等一下,我可以干这个啊。”

    Linux是一套免费使用和自由传播的操作系统,类似于我们常见的微软视窗(Windows)系统。而app则是指一类手市应用程序,其特点是X件以“.app”为后缀。iPod、iPhone、iPod touch是世界知名电子及电脑厂商苹果公司的产品。iPod是其音乐播放器系列,同类产品还有iPod touch. iPod nano、iPod shuffle等等;iPhone是其手机系列。苹果公司其他著名的产品还包括iMac系列笔记市电脑以及近来炙手可热的iPad平舨电脑等等。
