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当足球遭遇贵族…… When Football and Nobles Collided


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When Football and Nobles Collided  The most important event in the history of football, and possibly the identity of the greatest footballing nation of all time, might be found in 1)this book. It 2)recounts the story of a man who nearly prevented the world’s most popular sport from being invented at all.
  In England, 1863, Francis Maude Campbell was playing with his associates from Blackheath Football Club. The game they played was a rough one where kicking the ball at the opponents was considered a highlight. Meanwhile, less than 100 kilometres away at Cambridge University, the sons of the well-to-do had been working on a set of fixed rules for their version of football since 1840. Football at Cambridge was not just a sporting tradition. It was considered an important part of student education. The players at Cambridge were led, in part, by Charles Maldin, a student at Trinity College.
  Dr. John Little(Cambridge University): In England, the game was starting in the great public schools of Victorian England—Eton, Harrow, Winchester—and there they all played to slightly different rules. Some…some would catch the ball, some would not catch the ball, some could run with the ball, some may not run with the ball, and when those people left their schools and came to Cambridge University, they wanted to play together, and so they had to 3)devise a set of rules which they would all play to the same game.

  The official 4)minute book of football at this time stated that kicking opponents on the 5)shins, tripping them up and even pinning them to the ground were all permitted.
  Dr. Rogan Taylor (Prof, Liverpool University): It was an argument between two factions, one of whom wanted to handle the ball and also to 6)hack with their feet and to trip—the 7)rugby faction—and the other, the high-born 8)aristocrats: they didn’t like to touch the ball with their hands, thank you very much.
  At Cambridge and Oxford kicking or tripping up an opponent was not considered good sportsmanship, and picking up and carrying the ball was also frowned upon. Instead, the students there preferred to play only with their feet.
  The minute book contains the report of a meeting of the two factions on the 1st of December, 1863. Among the attendees was Francis Maude Campbell, now the 9)treasurer of the newly-founded Football Association. This historic event took place at the Freemason Tavern in London’s Great Queen Street. For six weeks, the two factions had been trying to devise a common set of rules. What followed at their meeting was a scandal that would alter the evolution of the sport forever. In an unexpected result, the distinguished gentlemen from Cambridge prevailed with 14 votes to 13, winning the right to implement their changes to the rules of the game. Their decision was that the game should be played only with the feet, no more carrying the ball or tripping up and holding opponents. Campbell denounced the aristocratic 10)upstarts, calling them “betrayers of the beautiful game. ” But the decision had been made and the modern game of football was born. The new Cambridge rules were put into writing in the minute book.

  Dr. Taylor: And so you’ve got a game which is based on a ridiculous proposition: here’s a ball, control it with your feet. No other ball game requires you not to use the most obvious part of your body. But these aristocrats, who were running the largest empire the world had ever seen at the time, liked to make things difficult.
  Francis Maude Campbell left the meeting in protest. Several years later the Rugby Football Union was founded, a sport more closely related to his rules of the game.

