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奉旨偷闲 It's Quality That Counts

  你有没有想过为什么法国的烹饪和葡萄酒会驰名世界?为什么法国会有那么多露天咖啡厅吗?原来,是法国人骨子里“work to live”的生活哲学主宰着这一切,使他们的生活与众不同。

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It's Quality That Counts  French government is big government! The State is France’s biggest employer and her citizens pay up to 60% tax. French laws control everything from working hours to which new words enter the French language. This is not considered an 1)intrusion but, instead, a form of protection from the uncertainties of the modern world. Because in 21st century France, many worry that life is speeding up and that the pressures of work, modern technology, and city living are placing an intolerable strain on people’s life styles. This is at odds with the good life, and French people expect their government to 2)intercede.
  In France free time is a right under law. Ever since the 1930’s no one can be forced to work more than 35 hours a week, and the average French worker has seven weeks paid vacation every year. It’s a society that works to live, not lives to work. And here, time off is almost always accompanied by…food. Nine out of ten families eat their main meal together every day of the week.
  French food is famous throughout the world. There are at least 20 different varieties of bread, more than 350 different types of cheese and over 3,000 varieties of wine, contributing more than $60 billion to the French economy every year. But in France, it’s not quantity but quality that counts. Food production isn’t dominated by vast 3)conglomerates but small family-run businesses offering fresh food to local customers. It’s a unique system which has helped create some of the finest food in the world.
