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钢管舞成为时尚健身新潮流 Pole Dancing in China

钢管舞  听到钢管舞这个名词,人们脑海里仿佛就会浮现出这样的场景:震耳欲聋的音乐,身材惹火、穿着暴露的女子围绕着钢管做各式各样的诱惑动作。实际上,现在在欧美等国家,白领学习跳钢管舞是一项时尚的健身运动。这种情形就好像探戈舞的流行,它的起源也是一种两性间互相引诱的舞步,如今都发展成为一项正规的运动比赛了,参加者甚至包括小孩。而咱们那群总是不遗余力地跟随西方潮流的中国新兴白领阶层,继抢占莎莎舞、肚皮舞等为健身新玩意之后,也开始把钢管舞揽入他们多姿多彩的工余健身体验当中。

发音:美式发音 语速:140词/分钟 使用方法:泛听+复述
  Pole dancing is China’s newest and most 1)controversial fitness sport. A nightclub activity, once considered the domain of strippers in America, pole dancing with clothes on is fighting its way onto the mainstream Chinese exercise market.
  Woman A: I love sports and I’m happy with a lot of the friends I’ve made here. Pole dancing makes me feel sexy. The 2)aerobics classes I used to go to were too boring and 3)monotonous.
  The Luo Lan Pole-Dancing School will have opened eleven branches within a little over two years.
  Luo Lan: People do pole dancing fitness for many reasons. Some girls do it to lose weight, while others do it so they can increase their powers over their husbands or boyfriends. Most Chinese have never seen pole dancing, so they don’t experience any negative associations when they see it. I’ve gotten a lot of calls from people criticising me and there have been a lot of rumours started against us on the Internet.
  Luo Lan, the woman who introduced pole dancing to China, says she realized if she could remove pole dancing of its shadier elements, there was an opportunity to create a revolution in fitness in China by offering an activity that would allow Chinese women to both stay fit and express their sexuality with an 4)unprecedented degree of freedom.
  But pole dancing has had a rocky start in China, meeting resistance at every turn. Cici, a 29-year-old, who works as an accountant, doesn’t approve of the activity.
  Cici: I would characterize Chinese thought as being fairly humble. There’s a fairly strict code for behavior for women. I think the movements of pole dancing give men the wrong impression, that women who do this are easy. To show off in this way will only make people around you jealous. It will only make enemies.
  While most Chinese, consistent with their traditional education and upbringing, consider the movements of pole dancing to be improper and even sexually 5)licentious, China’s big cities are seeing a growing group of youngsters embracing a new set of 6)morés.
  Woman B: More and more Chinese women are increasingly confident and independent. A lot of people expect us to marry and raise kids at an early age, but I don’t think that way. I feel in control when I do this. I feel, if I learn this well, I can be a superstar. I want to be a superstar!

