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开心网上一片天 Office Adventures on "Happy Net"


开心农场  开心网的出现用另一种方式实现了不少人的“田园”梦想,也为不少人找回了不少“旧相识”,当然,肯定也浪费了不少人不少的时间。瞅瞅那些终日紧张兮兮守在菜地、牧场、鱼塘边收东西、“偷”东西的新手,作为老手的你忆起自己往昔的“峥嵘岁月”,是不是也不禁苦笑了一番?
  衷心祝愿本文的作者,俺们的一个外国朋友,能从中找到和中国同事更惬意相处的好方式。 ——Lavender
  Over lunch with my Chinese colleagues, conversation tends to 1)rocket across the table, sparking giggles of excitement and 2)snickers of distaste. The 3)myriad names of Chinese celebrities speed beyond recognition to the untrained ear. As if lunchtime small talk were not challenging enough, I recently discovered that some of the most 4)dumbfounding 5)tidbits of office 6)gossip are actually 7)figments of an imaginary world otherwise know as Kaixinwang or “Happy Net.”

  “So I sold my house in Hangzhou and I made 2 million yuan!” one of my colleagues 8)bragged.
  “Why buy a house in Hangzhou when you can buy a luxury villa in Shanghai?” another offered with 9)bravado.
  “Hangzhou is so romantic,” another 10)oozed.
  “Ha-ha, I noticed you are broke. You can be my slave, that should help you make some money!”
  “Did you notice that I helped you water your garden this morning? Now your roses are growing beautifully!”
  This 11)schizophrenic conversation was an acute departure from the daily dissection of celebrities and regular 12)quips about working girl hardships. I frantically posed a flurry of questions.
  “Isn’t it expensive to buy a house in Hangzhou? What do you mean she can be your slave? How come you never mentioned you had a rose garden?” Laughter erupted around me. “It’s not for real! It’s just Kaixinwang!” This was just one of many “Happy Net” interchanges that left me dazed and confused.
  If you’re not 13)in the know, Happy Net is a Chinese social networking website. In the tradition of 14)Facebook, 15)Friendster and other wildly popular Internet 16)vices, it is a network that allows you to track down and peer into the profiles of friends and colleagues, even those you have not seen or heard from since primary school. Juicy details like age, marital status and profession are freely broadcasted, not to mention the endless streams of photos, public comments and message posts.
  In addition to the regular 17)perks of online networking, Happy Net offers users an alternate reality that adolescent boys pour over in 24 hour Internet bars. In a more direct flirtation with fantasy, Happy Net games echo the economic possibilities of real life. You may start as an asset-less Happy Net 18)newbie, but opportunities abound for you to make your way up the online, economic food chain. As a newcomer you can earn money auctioning yourself off and laboring as a slave; you can earn your freedom, purchase land, and raise plants and vegetables that you can then sell to generate profit. After this, your options expand. You can play the real estate market and refurbish your new, luxurious home.
  It is like wrestling with real life in a cartoon playground, devoid of risks and loss, and it costs nothing to play, except for endless hours of wasted time in the office.

  Before I discovered the existence of Happy Net, I imagined working in China, and interacting with my Chinese colleagues to be fairly delicate terrain. Countless publications on doing business in China dictate the importance of 19)garnering guanxi (connections), learning to respect and save “face”, and inviting your business partners to20)fancy seafood banquets. Many of us 21)flounder, navigating the complex array of social relationships, trying to 22)decipher the real meaning behind “polite” negotiations, and managing the preconception that foreigners make 23)oodles more cash than their Chinese colleagues.
  My discovery of Happy Net has forced me to question whether my colleagues are really so different. Is Chinese corporate culture really so complicated and unfamiliar? At the end of the day, when I log on to Facebook through a 24)VPN, anxious to see who has got married, who has got fat since they had three kids, and who has shed their teenage awkwardness, I realize that I already have my own Happy Net.
  With one foot in each continent, the screen separates fantasy from reality, and I realize that my Chinese colleagues and I are not so different after all.
